We have a really neat Modern Quilt Guild in Madison but I rarely (and unfortunately) make it to the meetings. I’ve been determined to make it to a meeting for the last few months and April is my month. Of course, my original plans included going a week later than the actual day because I had it wrong on my calendar. That’s all fixed now – the meting is tonight and I AM GOING. I even stayed up late last night so I would be able to enter a block into this month’s Lotto Exchange. Each month, our block leader puts together a blog post showing the color palette and the theme for the months block. This month’s block was an improv one – just my style! I only planned to make one block…
But then another happened…
and another! I do really like the concept of this control improv blocks. Maintaining all the same colors but not thinking about if they are pieced exactly the same. I may have to do a bit more of this in the future….
Now…keep your fingers crossed that they pick my block and I win them all tonight at the meeting – that I AM GOING TO.
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