It’s Wednesday so that means it’s time for yet another fun block tutorial! This week I have guest blogger Marian Pena of Seams to be Sew sharing her ‘twist’ on a traditional block. You can also follow what Marian is up to by licking her on facebook, adding her to Google+, following her pinterest, and check out her YouTube.
Before we see her twisted block…let’s learn a bit more about Marian Pena of Seams to be Sew .
What is your favorite thing about Quilt Alongs?
While I haven’t participated in any quilt alongs personally, I have followed them. What I love about them is the ability to learn something new that you may not have learned or realized before. I’ve always found the ability one has to express themselves interesting, when one is a creative person, they tend to share what they know and allow others to learn from it. I love the diversity of everyone’s creativity also, it allows one to open there mind to new possibilities and while I may not do it the same, it allows me to interpret what they’ve taught me in a whole new way or in the way in which they taught it.
What type of quilter do you consider yourself – traditional, modern, contemporary, other…?
I don’t like to lump myself into a certain category of quilting, because my tastes change as time goes on. I will note that I love applique, that I love embellishing, and I love to challenge myself to find a way to do something by machine versus by hand. It’s not that I’m lazy and can’t do it by hand, but because I suffer with arthritis, I need to make less work for my hands. When I was younger, I loved doing embroidery by hand, it was something I really enjoyed doing.
What other quilt alongs are you participating in in 2014?
This is the first quilt along I have ever participated in.
Apples or oranges?
Favorite Book:
Harriet Hargraves Machine Quilting, and Mimi Dietrich’s Baltimore Album book
As always, it was wonderful to learn a bit more about a fellow quilter. But now, what you’ve all been waiting for – let’s see the twist Marian decided to put onto the block ‘Brittany Basket’.
Name of Block created: Hoppy Bunny Basket
Traditional Block Twisted: Brittany Basket
To find out how you can make the twisted tradition block ‘Hoppy Bunny Basket’ head on over to ‘Seams to Be Sew’ NOW and check out the tutorial!
I can’t wait to see what all your blocks look like! Be sure to share you blocks and any projects you make using your blocks onto our flickr group: 52 Blocks Quilt Along
Instagram/Twitter Hashtag: #52bTT
Previous Blocks
Stop back next Wednesday for another twisted traditional block tutorial!
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