Happy Monday everyone! It is March and we’re still hanging out in the NEGATIVE temperatures here in Wisconsin! This is crazy! Although – I do have to say, a few years ago we had a ridiculously warm March which in the end caused us to loose the majority of our apple crop. So, in perspective, it’s hard to complain about the cold. I would love to just have ‘normal’ weather though!
I have a busy day planned – I’m attempting my very first batch of Kombucha although I must admit the SCOBY is a bit gross looking…we’ll see what happens in 7 to 14 days I guess! Then Pip and I get to meet a good, long-time friend for coffee, hopefully a trip to the grocery store for some pictures and inspiration, jazz with the big girls, and to end the day – the Lodi Valley Quilt Guild Meeting! Whew! Wish me luck!
Before I forget and miss the deadline I figured it would be good to post my ‘A Lovely Year of Finishes – March Goal’. I’ve been debating between two for the last couple of weeks.
I’m going to make a friend of mine a scrappy fun quilt to be used for a photo prop.
I have it started…but there’s still a long way to go. I definitely need to get it done before Apple Season…but I’m just not ‘feeling’ it quite yet I don’t think. Trust me – when it’s all done you’ll look at the above picture and the final picture and say ‘Huh? How did that happen?”
With all this ‘scrap’ block talk from Pat Sloan – it made me really itch to finish up my super scrappy multiple quilt along quilt top from a few years ago. It’s going to be really cool…I think…
My official ‘March Goal’ is to put all these scrappy blocks from a bunch of quilt alongs all together into one (amazing) quilt! Wish me luck!!! oooh…and just as I was looking at it I already have a plan for the center layout! Woot! Stay tuned…
Who knew that long hard winters were such a blessing! Good luck with your goal!!!
Where to start? I keep a kombucha brew going, and love the benefits. The scoby gets stranger looking, but it is a culture, so go figure. It gets hard to await spring here, too, though our temps are much milder. Still, too early to start planting and the upshot is, more indoor sewing time. I am drawn to the yellow area in the upper right of your big scrappy, and the lower left green and pink star area. Is the layout finished? It helps to see the tiny picture for overall impact. Great job with all of that piecing. You have given yourself a tall order for March, but we do have 31 days… good luck! Looking forward to seeing your finish. (ps, love your blog name.)
WOW fantastic your idea of the super scrappy quilt renee like your blog artist you are