This is a long post because we had LOTS (over 40!) of gorgeous, amazing quilts entered in the first challenge of the Project QUILTING Season! I’m beyond thrilled with the turn out – lots of new faces and lots of return quilters. My favorite three months of the year has begun! I will be posting the name of the quilter above the picture of their quilt. If you click on the quilt you’ll be able to go to flickr to read the story behind the quilt.
Before we get to the quilts – what will the quilt with the most votes win!?
ONE mini bundle of Aurifil Thread Yup – you should be excited! Be sure to spread the word to family and friends to come and vote for your quilt!
Alright – now I’m going to post the quilts in the order they were submitted to the quilt and then at the bottom of this page you can vote for your favorite. You’ll be allowed to pick your top THREE quilts so keep that in mind as you’re browsing. Click on the quilt images and it will take you to the flickr page so you can learn more about the quilt and the process the artist went through to create it. Closer looks at each of these quilts will be coming on this blog throughout the week. The poll will be open until 9pm CST on Friday, January 17th.
(1) Quilter: MamaEggo
(2) Quilter: adva_p
(3) Quilter: Pam Wickman
(4) Quilter: QuiltChicken
(5) Quilter: NoneSuchExist
(6) Quilter: Janie, Isabella’s Whimsy
(7) Quilter: erinrebbecaz
(8) Quilter: Carla Keahey
(9) Quilter: Cinnamon Chip
(10) Quilter: sharonhuismith
(11) Quilter: Carlotta Jean
(12) Quilter: Quilts by Lisa
(13) Quilter: Mary Dekort
(14) Quilter: Kkreig
(15) Quilter: Kerry Porter
(16) Quilter: Carolyn Trezona
(17) Quilter: Marcia’s Crafty Sewing & Quilting
(18) Quilter: For Quilts Sake
(19) Quilter: Shout4Joy
(20) Quilter: BarbaraMoore
(21) Quilter: Slightly Off Quilter
(22) Quilter: Magan.null
(23) Quilter: Amanda Reid
(24) Quilter: QuiltedDelights
(25) Quilter: Lydia Wooten
(26) Quilter: KrisTMJ
(27) Quilter: Quilties
(28) Quilter: virpalm
(29) Quilter: Bailey Prichard
(30) Quilter: tjtruesdale
(31) Quilter: SweetBoaterChick
(32) Quilter: Kelly Kroon
(33) Quilter: Craftie Kewpie
(34) Quilter: SewManyPossibilities
(35) Quilter: Sara
(36) Quilter: Kathleen Quilts
(37) Quilter: Polly V
(38) Quilter: karens crafty world
(39) Quilter: Jen
(40) Quilter: Emma O
(41) Quilter: WaggonsWest
Diane and I aren’t entered into the Public Vote but we’d still love for you to stop by flickr or leave a comment on the blog post about what you think of the quilts we created!
Quilter: Diane Lapacek
Quilter: Kim Lapacek (aka PersimonDreams)
Oh!!! What hard choices!!! At least you let us choose 3! I had such a hard time – so many beautiful quilts and such great talent and creativity! Congrats to everyone!
All the projects are beautiful, it will be hard to choose!
I have to keep coming back to look… I can't pick just three favorites!
I do love how several quilts sprouted legs
Wonderful quilted projects! I wanted to vote for all, but did decide on three – ha! Thank you for sharing such lovely quilted pieces – so much talent and creativity.
All beautiful quilts, I am sharing with my high school students today all your work. One question, on the stocking I made, it is not linked with Flickr, is there something I need to do so you can see other photos? Thanks. Pam
I really like the flowers Diane made. I am fascinated by the heart Kim made.
I wanted to vote for more than three, but I didn't. I was not able to read the stories behind the quilts. When I clicked on one, all it did was take me to a larger picture of it on Flicker. I couldn't click on anything there that would take me to anything other than pictures.
The stripped flowers and heart are beautiful. Love them both.
YAY! I won! Thanks everyone for voting for my little quilt!