Some of the blocks in the 52 Block Twisted Tradition Quilt Along may call for or could use some hand embroidery touches. Now, I just sort of know what I’m doing when it comes to hand embroidery but luckily, a good friend of mine knows much more and was kind enough to be a guest blogger for me today. And with that…I give you Melissa of Sew BitterSweet Designs with a great tutorial on some basic embroidery stitches:
Hello! My name is Melissa and I blog over at Sew BitterSweet Designs. Kim asked if she knew anyone who could do a tutorial on a couple of basic embroidery stitches and I waved my hand up in the air!
This lovely little Vintage machine was stitched up using only 2 stitches, the Back Stitch and the French Knot. I will show you how to make those today.
Muslin Pearl Cotton
#8 Embroidery Needle Embroidery Thread
Start by bring your needle up from the back of the hoop:
Next make your first stitch:
Next bring your needle up, while trying to keep your stitch length the same:
Next you will want to insert your needle back into where you ended your previous stitch:
Continuing on in the same manner keeping your stitches even.
Here is what the back looks like:
Note: if doing this on a curve, make your stitches smaller otherwise they will not curve nicely.
Now on to the French Knot! I love this one, great for adding fun texture!
Start by bring your needle up from the back:
Next, wrap your thread around your needle 3 times (sometimes I do 4 if I want my knot to be REALLY prevalent, but 3 is traditional):
Next, insert your needle as closely as possible to where you pulled your need up and hold your thread tightly while you pull the needle to the back again.
Continue holding the thread until you have pulled the thread taut (but not TOO tight). Your stitch is complete!
Thanks for having me Kim!
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