Just under a year ago a friend of mine invited me to join a Sunflower Quilt Block Exchange. The final group would have to make one ‘Sunflower’ themed block for each person that signed up for the group. Well…37 sign ups later I had 37 Sunflower blocks on my plate. It was no big deal though…they didn’t have to be complete until February! I had over a year..easy peasy!
Well…It’s December 17th…I have just under 2 months. But, I hadn’t completely forgotten about it…I had just put it in the back of my head to let the ideas simmer.
I went through a few things before I came up with my final decision. I knew I wanted to use the spool block as I love thread spools and am thinking it may be a ‘signature’… (yup…I got a tattoo of a spool of thread onto my wrist.)
Spoonflower. I may be slightly addicted to turning my pictures and images into my very own unique fabric on Spoonflower. I may also have an orchard with a sunflower field…so I made up a couple of fun original sunflower prints that I could incorporate into my block.
Alright…so thread and sunflower fabrics. There was really only one thing I could do…
A Sunny Spoool Flower of course! (the yellow center is also a yellow sunflower batik print)…
It’s not traditional…but it’s very ‘Kim’. I hope it will be a fun addition to everyone’s sunflower quilts.
And…I have four done so far! Just 33 to go!
jennifer ward says
Always unique & outside the box! Great tattoo, by the way!