Since I know I have a few good friends that read my blog but may not follow along on facebook or instagram…I thought I should probably share some pictures of a fairly significant change that recently occurred in the Lapacek household.So… of my three girls Pip has had the longest hair. She had hair when she was born, she never lost her hair like some babies do and it had gotten long. This was no problem until she would pitch a fit anytime we had to brush it or put it back in a pony so she didn’t get syrup or other random food into it. I finally had had enough.
I packed her up and we headed out to get a hair cut. She’d had a trim before but this time – we were getting it chopped. I don’t think she knew what to expect.
It took about 30 minutes to get her hair chopped and she sat through it like a champ especially for a 2.5 year old.
I was extremely happy with how the cut looks on Pip. I have to admit – it makes me a bit sad – my baby isn’t baby anymore! But the cut was necessary…her hair is going to grow back healthier and we’re going to avoid the screams for at least a little while. Definitely worth it!
My mom had commented that she wasn’t going to recognize her the next time she saw her. I assured her that even though they cut her hair they didn’t cut out her sass. Here she is having fun ‘posing’ for my phone today. She loves getting her picture taking it and then running over saying, “I see! I see!”
My sweet short haired Pip…
And I managed to snap this when she wasn’t paying much attention…my favorite type of shots… So, those of you who hadn’t heard…Pip is my short haired babe now but she’s still full of sass!
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