Our family of five each drew a name to find out who we should make a gift for this holiday season. Here’s what happened.
- Pip picked Mercedi.
- Mercedi picked Mom.
- Mom picked Capri.
- Capri picked Papa.
- Papa picked Pip.
Everyone was really happy with who they got and who had them…we didn’t keep it a secret since we had to know who Pip had anyway (she’s 2). Cedi was really excited until you could see her smile waiver just a little as she realized that all Pip could pretty much do was color in a picture…sort of. She held that smile regardless and insisted she was excited.
I couldn’t just let Pip color a picture for Cedi so instead we did a little bit of ‘15 minutes of play’ together. I let her at one of my scrap bins and she picked the fabrics she wanted me to sew together. Before we knew it – we had the outside portion of a kindle case put together for Cedi! She then picked out the two fabrics for the insides of the bag and hung out patiently while I did the manual labor.
Voila! We had a fun new case/bag for Cedi’s kindle! Just full of Pip’s love! AND it was really fun for me to sew and create with Pip at my side! To top it off – Cedi loved it!!!
I love the kindle case and the idea of buying and making for one person. Christmas has become very commercial and 2 years ago I made the choice not to participate. It has been a shock to some people and a big change for me. Having experienced both sides, i think one gift per person is a great way to uphold the tradition whilst focusing on the things that really matter. Thank you for sharing.
I love making and receiving homemade gifts ! Our household was very proud to have made ( almost) all of the Christmas gifts for extended family this year. the only purchased gifts were the mugs to accompany the mug rugs for the men of the family.
That is charming. I'm sure they both loved being involved and getting such a thoughtful gift.