For the past two years I have run a quilt along that coincides with the ‘off’ weeks of Project QUILTING – first it was ‘Home Sweet Home’ and then ‘My Favorite Block’. This year I’m going to do something a bit different – well, completely different. I’m going to share a block tutorial each week for the entire year.
My plan for these blocks is that it’s going to combine the two previous quilt alongs. What I’m going to share with you all are traditional quilt blocks that are ‘tweaked’ to show a second element – like houses.
It all started when I saw this ‘House Swoon’ block by Rachael of Blue Mountain Daisy She tweaked Camille Roskelley’s Swoon block. Clever! She shows you how to do it, get the tutorial.
From seeing that…I went ahead and used it for my inspiration for the Double Wedding Ring Challenge and made my double wedding rings into an entire subdivision – again, tweaking a traditional block…
That got me thinking – how else can we ‘tweak’ or put a twist on a traditional block to create a secondary image in it that says ‘house’ or ‘tree’ or even ‘bird’? I’m going to take the 52 weeks of 2014 to explore this thought and I hope you decide to join in with me!
I would LOVE to have guest blogger’s tweak a traditional block of their own. I’m happy to come up with 52 myself but it’s always nice to see another’s point of view or vision, right? If you have a blog – you can post your tutorial right on your own blog. Once your post is up, I’ll link the block from my website to yours and include a mini bio about you, the designer. If you don’t have your own blog, just send me a word file with the instructions and photo’s and I’ll post it on my blog with links to you and of course a mini bio about you, the designer.
The block tutorial you share can be for any size block. I personally love ‘wonky’ quits put together with blocks of different sizes…and I’m thinking 52 could make a substantial piece so I’m not going to put an size restrictions on the block. OR – these blocks may be perfect to group a few together to make a great wall hanging, table runner, or even singley, into a pillow! The possibilities will be endless and the inspiration limitless! The main criteria is that you have to choose a traditional block and put a twist on it that shows a secondary image like a house, tree, bird, etc… The same traditional block can be used more than once as long as a different ‘image’ is created each time. If you are interested in taking me up on this challenge and designing a block for one (or more) weeks indicated in the schedule below email me at lapaceksorchard {at} gmail {dot} com with your name, blog address, and which week you would like. Once you’re on the schedule let me know what traditional block you’re going to do.
Schedule – each block will be posted on a Wednesday
erin says
ooh what a great idea! I would love to participate, but will have to put on my thinking cap 🙂
Marcia Wachuta says
Count me in! I have the perfect "twist" for a rail fence block!
Momof7 says
What a GREAT idea!!!!!