It’s Thursday, November 21st and the Quilting Gallery Blog Hopping Party begins TODAY! I’m super excited to once again be participating in this fun once again!
Next, before I get into what I’m giving away I wanted to tell you a bit about about what you can expect to read about on my blog if you decide to follow along (which I hope you do)!
Project QUILTING – a fun quilting challenge that gets posted every other week. Season 5 will be starting at the beginning of January and it’s never too late to join in the fun! To read more about what it is check out ‘What is Project QUILTING’? There is currently an off season challenge happening now – Color MERCEDI and there’s still plenty of time to join in the challenge. I have an idea for the challenge but plan to make it next week…hopefully!
Quilt Alongs – Last year I hosted my very first quilt along – Home Sweet Home followed by ‘My Favorite Block Quilt Along’. I have a Quilt Along planned in my head so far for 2014…soon to be announced on my blog so stay tuned!
Block Tutorials – Whenever other bloggers are doing quilt along’s I’m always happy to create a block for them. When this happens it is also shared on my blog with my readers/followers.
Random Project – I’m constantly making something! I do my best to share with you what I’m working on, how it’s going, and things I’ve learned. Recently I went on a ‘Jewelry Binge’ to get ready for the big annual sale I have at my orchard each year. As I was tagging and pricing everything I was amazed at just how much I made! Oh! And I made my Television Debut just last week! It seems like something crazy is always happening around here and usually more than one thing at a time… (In fact…as I’m typing this I’m working on sewing on a fox tail AND watching my girls in gymnastics.)
photo taken by Friends in Photography
My Family & Orchard – I have three beautiful little girls and an amazing husband. I share stories about what’s going on with my family here because they are so influential in all that I do. We also own and operate an apple orchard here in Poynette, WI. I sometimes post about what’s going on at my orchard here but mostly you can find those updates on my blog, Lapacek’s Orchard.
Hearts for Susie – I have made it my goal to use my creativity to help raise awareness for Women’s Heart Health. You can see what inspired me to do this and how you can support my cause HERE.
For this giveaway you will win a bundle of six hand-dyed fat quarters of these fun yellow to pink color family fabrics (I dyed myself…)!
(the fabric will be nicely pressed before I send it to you! I just haven’t retaken the picture yet…sorry!)
How to Win!
REQUIRED: Easy – Just leave me a comment answering this question:
Be sure to include your email address so I’m able to contact you when you win! If I can’t contact you I will choose a different winner.
Sidenote: I’m a HUGE fan of tradition. I will willing drive four hours (2 hours each way) three times in one week – with three children – just so I don’t miss a tradition. This year one of my most favorite holiday traditions has been cancelled and I’m super SUPER bummed. After a few days of moping about I realized that the only way to make me feel better is to figure out a NEW tradition for Christmas that my children will always remember…so I need your help!
What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday Tradition?
BONUS Entries Leave a separate comment for each to gain extra entries
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- Tweet about this giveaway and mention @PersimonDreams
The giveaway ends at the end of the day on Tuesday, November 26th.
My favorite tradition is just all of my family getting together. We live all across the country to it is wonderful to be able to get together once and a while.
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Baking together is a favorite
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My favorite Christmas tradition is trimming the tree.
I think singing carols with my sisters.
Our favorite tradition is going annually to the drive through live church nativity at this huge huge church. It is breath taking. And we look forward to it each year. conn_and_vans_mom atyahoo dotcom
I am already Facebook follower. conn_and_vans_mom atyahoo dotcom
Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway! My favorite holiday tradition is always going up into the mountains with my family to hunt a Christmas tree! We still do it, even though it means I have to drag the tree 500 miles back to my current home!
My favorite holiday tradition is baking in the kitchen with my mom. This year, Anne will join us. My second favorite tradition is new jammies on Christmas Eve.
My favourite tradition is Xmas meal on Xmas eve and then present opening as we can't wait until,Xmas day now the kids are grown up!
My favorite Christmas traditions: new Christmas pjs, star gazing on Christmas Eve night bundled up drinking hot cocoa, Moravian Sugar Cake for Christmas morning served warm with hot Russian Tea, Christmas Carols, and sneaking little gifts for family unnoticed into 'hiding' places throughout the house.
Great giveaway and a fun family tradition we have is a White Elephant exchange as there are so many of us!
Story a Day until Christmas book.
I like making tons of cookies, it started as a day to spend with my daughter since everyone's so busy. I'm still making them and giving them away.
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Grandma walks the kids around the block looking for Santa on Christmas eve. They never find him but he has always left presents under the tree by the time they get back.
Going to midnight Mass and then celebrating with family after.
This has been passed down thru several generations – an orange in the toe of your stocking. But as a kid/family activity – community caroling.
We eat waffles on Christmas Eve night. We always have. And now my children and grandchildren are carrying on the tradition. Thanks for the opportunity. The fabrics are nice.
I love going for a drive to see the Christmas lights. Thanks for the giveaway.
Oh! What pretty bright fabric! I think my favorite tradition is re-enacting the nativity the night before Christmas.
I am a fan of Persimon Dreams on FB.
I love our Christmas tradition of my husband and I going and getting a real Christmas tree.
My favorite tradition is getting together with the whole family on Christmas Eve. Thanks for the great giveaway!
A tradition we have had for many years has been to make a new handcrafted ornament (out of whatever we can think of) each year to hang on the tree.
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My favorite tradition was getting together with family on Christmas Eve and playing games!
I like to find a church that is doing a sing-along of Christmas carols and go as a group to that service. Usually it's at my own church, but sometimes we attend another, if we.hear about it in time.
I have a Christmas birthday son. We always get together at my house (until 4 years ago when the grand babies came along) We gathered together at our house had breakfast casserole and beverages then put on the music and took turns opening our gifts. As the mature Grand parents we do road trips around to each of our childrens homes and take turns opening gifts at 2 different houses.
My favorite tradition is having the grandchildren over to decorate my tree.
What lovely hand-dyes! My favorite Christmas tradition is our family's white elephant gift exchange. Lots of laughs!
No particular tradition. I just love the entire season. I've added your giveaway to my weekly link up.
Our tradition is on Christmas Eve when my husband puts on his Santa hat and gives out the presents. The grand children and great grand children just love it to see Granpa wearing this hat.
Driving around to look at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve!
Christmas Eve family game night.
Years ago my hub would take the kids 15 miles up the canyon to our very rustic cabin. They would sled, drink hot chocolate and eat chili and I would have peace and quiet to get ready for Christmas. Then I got organized enough to be ready the 23 and I started going with them. Now its quite the tradition and I love it. No hassle on Christmas Eve, everything is ready. Christmas is a 2 day celebration and we aren't all scrambling with last minutes have tos. Thanks.
Going to our cabin and playing in the snow. I live in Southern California so it's a nice change of scenery 🙂
Every year we love to take our kids out to the country for a small country Christmas celebration. We just eat and shop but they love going every year.
I take my son and now will add my baby to watch a gran fireworks display at one of the biggest mall in our City.
Twitted the giveaway
Well my favorite tradition is making my favorite rosemary pine nut cookies and giving them to everybody I love, but I'll imagine you're looking for something more interactive, I'll have to go through the ideas people toss out!
Having the opportunity to be able to enjoy both of my grown kids at the same time and place. A very rare event indeed.
Love going around and seeing the house decorated with all the lights.
My favorite holiday tradition is getting together with family to make cookies.
My favorite tradition is reading the story of Christ's birth and singing Christmas carols before we open any gifts. Thanks for a chance to win.
putting out my olivewood nativity
I love the midnight church service on Christmas eve then back home for mince pies and mulled wine!!
gillwatson at mailbox dot co dot uk
Putting up the tree!
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FBname: Luanne Serafin
my favorite tradition is to give my quilts away. i have quilted for over forty years and all my quilts are hand pieced and hand quilted. it is a wonderful feeling to pay it forward. lovely fabric. i have nevered worked with hand dyed fabric but would love to give it a try
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I am headed to a Christmas tradition this weekend. Since you have your own event this won't help you. There is a huge craft show at UW Parkside in Kenosha. In past years it was always the first weekend in December.
Our family tradition when I was growing up included seeing the dept store Christmas windwos in Sheboygan WI right after Thanksgiving dinner and driving around to look at the lights after the children's service at church the week before Christmas. Now those window displays are at the museum in Green Bay.
My favorite holiday tradition is spending Christmas Day with family. I love the games and gifts and grandchildren!
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We enjoy visiting the Christmas lights near Meadow, NC. They're amazing. Thanks for the chance to win.
I liked Persimmon Dreams on FB. Thanks.
I liked Project Quilting on FB too. Thanks again.
My boys are all grown now but when they were young a favorite tradition was to make a gingerbread house , one of the boys carried on that tradition with his girls . Thanks for the chance ,
love all of christmas
Giving presents is my favourite part of Christmas
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Santa hides the gifts at our house. Each daughter finds one and then opens it. Then goes back and finds another. When they were little i
t helped spread out the fun. My daughters are teens now and still want "Santa" to do this! Thanks for sharing!
My favorite Christmas tradition is to cook a new different breakfast each year. No repeats.
My favorite holiday tradition is setting up may Christmas village that I made the pieces myself.
getting our familys together
My Christmas / Holiday Tradition is baking cookies and making a silly wish list that is about me.
I liked you on facebook under Lisa Johnson
I like to fill the car with kids and go through the park light display with snacks, music, singing, and lots of lights.
Your hand dye fabric looks wonderful. Hmmm ….. my favorite holiday tradition ………….. well that happens every year on Christmas day, my hubby takes the girls out for lunch and a movie. They have their Dad all to themselves.
I love going to the city park with my grandson to see all the Christmas lights and decorations. Thank you so much for your great giveaway.
My son decorates the tree by himself. This was one holiday tradition we had. Sadly he is not in the country and I miss this one.
My favorite Christmas tradition is baking cut-out ginger cookies, and decorating them with my daughter, and anyone else we can cajole into helping us.
Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite tradition is the ornaments that I hand paint for family and friends every year
My favorite holiday tradition is decorating the Christmas tree with my family.
Ever since my son was able to tromp thru the snow, he & I would go cut our Christmas tree & drag it home. We picked it out together & more often than not, it was a Charlie Brown tree but it was OURS! He is grown now so guess what? Now we drag home 2 trees!
A favorite tradition was gifting each child with an ornament of their own every year for when they moved out and had their own tree. This year both my boys will be having their first trees and are so excited to have a shoebox full of ornaments of their own to begin the decoration. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
My favorite tradition is making everyone–toddler to oldies– the same gift with different fabrics. I have made pillowcases, aprons, quilts, embroidered hats, and other small things. They know what they are getting after the first package is unwrapped but the surprise is still there…
One of the favorite traditions for my 3 daughters and me was to make and decorate Christmas cookies together. Some of the results were a little "unusual" but beautiful in their eyes.
Our Botanical Garden has an event from Thanksgiving thru New Years Eve called Illuminations. It has hundreds of thousands of illuminating lights throughout the gardens and is absolutely beautiful. I volunteer at the gardens year round.
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What about ice skating? When we were young, we always enjoyed skating at the park. In my town in MN they make ice skating and hockey rinks in the city parks. Do they do this in Wisconsin?
Project QUILTING looks like so much fun; I started following on Bloglovin to make sure I don't miss the start.
As for traditions, this one is simple, but my sister and I love it. When we were little, my mom would give us matching Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve each year. We're wear them and be matching in pictures when we opened gifts. She tried to stop the tradition after we left college, but we begged her to start doing it again though we aren't always a fan of matching in the pictures anymore 🙂
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And my christmas tradition is a dinner with my family. Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite are the family meals- love the holiday's food 🙂 Thanks so much for this great giveaway!
The special Christmas baking (melomakarona) with my daughter and grandchildren and the family gathering on Christmas day for lunch
We have used an Advent wreath for years. Each week, another candle is lit and the kids take turns by week reading a prayer. It is a nice way to keep the focus where it belongs around Christmas. My kids are young adults now and we continue with the tradition. What a special giveaway you have made.
It sounds like you have a really busy schedule. One of our traditions when our children were young was to bake cookies and deliver them to our friends and neighbors with our Christmas card.
I love to take my niece and nephew to go see the local Train Garden.
wonderful to meet you …I love the anticipation of Christmas
A favorite tradition in my family is making Christmas cookies.
Another favorite was making Cinnamon Christmas tree ornaments to hang on the tree.
My favorite Christmas tradition is be with family.I enjoy cooking with my sisters and brother in law.The big days are 24,25,31 and January 6.Thanks for the fun!
I have one important tradition: For every child in the family I make a plate. On the plate I put a few cookies, a mandarin, a chocolate figure and a little present.
Thanks for the chance to win. The fabric is beautiful.
My favorite tradition is my mom's delicious coffee cake that we eat only on Christmas morning every single year for as long as I can remember.
My favorite Christmas tradition is that my husband & I still hang up our stockings & fill them for each other with small presents.
My family has a tradition of two gift exchanges (both voluntary) where one exchange is something you make yourself. The other one is like a white elephant exchange only we call it a garage sale gift exchange. The item you bring to the exchange must be something you would not be embarrassed about putting in a garage sale.
For my husband and me, we collect toys and food for a family in need that we adopt through a local agency.
I make a batch of cinnamon rolls on Christmas Eve, but I don't cook them. I get them all ready and rolled out, then pop them in the freezer over night. On Christmas morning I take them out and cook them while we are opening gifts. Then we eat them when we are done with the present fun. Thanks for a great giveaway. The fabric looks fabulous.
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I Liked Persimon Dreams on Facebook. I look forward to readin more of the posts!
My favorite Tradition is Christmas eve at Mom's house with all of my family! About 50 of us!
We like to go drive through the neighborhoods that have luminaries on Christmas Eve.
My favourite holiday tradition is spending lots of time with family and friends. I love your Project Quilting and plan to follow along with you in January. What a great idea! And thanks so much for the giveaway.
My favorite tradition is with my granddaughter. Every year since she was born I give her a North Pole Village house. She is 18 now and we still continue to do it. When she has her own family she can start the tradition of putting them out with her children.
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My favourite Christmas tradition actually happens on Boxing Day. We stay in our pyjamas all day and just lounge around. Our neighbours have even joined our pyjama party!
Celebrating Advent/Christmas with Jesse Tree Ornaments! Hang one each day and read scripture with each one. See here:
pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com
Pink Scissors Design on Etsy
My favourite tradition is Christmas Eve sitting in the darkened living room basking in the glow of the lights from the tree. So very peaceful and magical.
My favorite is our annual Gingerbread Potluck. It's tons of work (20 + Gingerbread houses made by yours truly) but such fun to see each family decorate together! Thanks for hosting!
I was reading the comments. Lo and Behold someone else has the same favorite tradition. I totally agree with Janet. Love to sit in the living room, in the dark and look at the tree lights. It is so peaceful and humbling. I don't have any hand dyed fabrics and would love to add some to my stash. Thanks for the chance.
I liked you on FB but the FB page for Project Quilting say it's no longer available.
My favourite holiday tradition is definitely Christmas Even church service.
When the kids were little, we would trim the tree while listening to Christmas music, then have hot chocolate and watch the Christmas shows that come on every year. Your fabric is stunning! Loving the happy colors. Would love to include them in quilts for my granddaughters 🙂 Thanks for the chance.
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I also liked Project Quilting on FB. I am intrigued and plan on learning more about this. 🙂
The only Christmas tradition we had when I was growing up was my parents would pick one present for each of us from under the tree and us kids would open it Christmas Eve before we went to bed. I continued doing this with my daughter then her son when he was born. Merry Christmas!
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Great giveaway and our tradition is just being with family during the holidays!
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We go out and drive around to see the Christmas lights every year. Where I live the paper publishes a 'Tacky Light Tour' route, so you don't miss the big displays.
My favorite holiday tradition is the candlelight service on Christmas eve.
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Going to Grandmas for some fun days f celebration right up to Christmas Eve.
My favourite tradition is baking Christmas cookies.
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I liked Project Quilting on FB (Piroska B)
Wow you are one busy woman. One of my favorite Christmas traditions is one I started with my kids about 6 years ago. I buy all of the females a new pair of Christmas socks to be worn as they open gifts Christmas morning.. and the guys get a bag of their favorite candy.
thanks for a chance
Best part is going as a family to cut down our tree. After that it just seems to get crazy.
many favorites I enjoyed with my kids and now my grand kids..
decorating Gingerbread houses
mixing and baking cookies
making goodie filled mugs for their teachers and for the older girls their co workers.
singing carols at the nursing home and enjoying hot chocolate and cookies afterwards.
riding around checking out everyones holiday lights on their houses..
My favorite tradition is cooking with family. I love all the once-a-year things we make like pies, fudge, and dressing.
Hi! I love your hand dyied fabrics with most beautiful sunny colours! They are really unique! One of my best memories about Christmas with family is making puzzles with my mom all night long with chocolates! She emptied her sewing table for Christmas holidays and we made huge puzzles. Sunny wishes from Greece! x Teje
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I am retired and its just hubby and me so one of the traditions we started enjoying together is to make homemade tamales christmas eve
love your hand dyes
I liked Persimon Dreams on facebook.
I love spending Christmas Eve at my sister's house with our family. There is always a fire and we enjoy the time with my nephew and now, our newest niece.
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The fabrics look beautiful! We are also coming up with new traditions. Both my kids are grown. My son is married with a three year old and my daughter is still at home going to college. When the kids were young we always opened our gifts Christmas morning, all of us in our pjs and then a cooked breakfast. It worked out as my husband's family always did their gifts on Christmas eve. Since our son is stationed with the USMC about seven hours away, we just have to adjust. I just love when we are all together.
Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.
Follower on FB.
Thanks again for a chance to win.
Follower of Project Quilting on FB.
Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.
Tweeted about giveaway using button at end of post. (@usairdoll)
Thanks again for a chance to win.
My favorite tradition is driving around looking at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve and then having snacks and drinks when we get home!
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We don't celebrate Christmas at our house due to the mother in law's religion. So we really don't have any traditions. I do try to make a big
breakfast for the hubby that morning though.
Thank you!
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debgirotti at gmail dot com
My favorite tradition is attending a Lessons and Carols musical service. It's beautiful every year.
I love decorating the tree with my family.
I am following Persimon Dreams.
We have Christmas Eve with the extended families and stay home in our pjs on Christmas day!
I am following Project Quilting.
Our favorite tradition is the Christmas eve service
Our best tradition was for all the children and their families to meet at my mother's house for Christmas. Since she died, we are now spread out all over the country and do not get together. I really miss that. Thanks. New quilter from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
We have dinner on Christmas Eve and have leftovers on Christmas Day!
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My favorite tradition has to be going to the Lassen National Forest (with a permit) in Northern California and finding a blue spruce tree.
Mine is having all of my family come over for breakfast Christmas Morning. The kids love to share thier presents with family!!
What a colorfull fabric! Love it. I like to have my family around, just that. No special traditions. Thanks for the chance!
Our favorite Christmas tradition is going to listen to the Drakensberg Boys Choir School in South Africa to listen to them sing. Thanks for the opportunity to win your gorgeous fabrics.
That's easy. Our Christmas tradition is a full breakfast before we open any presents. I'm talking bacon, sausage, ham, biscuits, grits, eggs, muffins… jam, jelly, honey, and white milk gravy…
late night outing on Christmas … sometimes a big walk after midnight mass if there is no snow and if there is then some after midnight sledging … well not in the countryside, but downhill on a few sideroads that never get cleared and are trafficless after midnight on christmas eve .. ohh and the importnant part – they have street lights.
My favorite thing to do at Christmas is to be with family. Since we are all spread out that is difficult. thanks for the giveaway.
Drinking hot cocoa after decorating the tree with just the tree lights on. opening one present on Christmas Eve before bed. Special Christmas breakfast! Thanks for the chance to win
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We love to set up the Christmas tree together and decorated it together too.
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My favorite Christmas tradition is making Santa Clause cookies with my mom using our vintage cookie mold. It's a two day process with all the details.
The holidays always have to have my Mom's cranberry relish! Thanks for a chance to win
We open gifts on Christmas Eve one at a time youngest to oldest… as a kid it was hard to wait your turn but now I appreciate taking the time so see each one get opened and appreciated!
I love baking cookies with my 5 year old grandson, but he is now living in Hawaii, so I will have to make a substitute tradition. One year when my girls were little, it rained on the night we would normally go to the State Fair. Instead we went to the mall and made up substitute activities for the rides and games we missed. We rode the carousel, and ran backwards up the escalators, played hide and seek among the curtain displayed, found a !,"Pat the bunny" book for the petting zoo. The girls asked if we could do that next year instead of the fair!
Love the idea of Project Quilting and I plan to follow along. I seriously doubt I can get any project done in such a short time frame but will enjoy watching from the sidelines.
Unfortunately, I can't really help with a Christmas tradition as we don't celebrate Christmas. But, a cookie baking day/swap might work. That, of course, requires several friends to get together and one person to give up their kitchen for a day but I hear it is a hoot.
Thanks for the chance to win.
trimming the tree and drinking hot tea and hot cocoa with my daughter and grandson. Jackie
Thanks for the chance to win the fabric! Baking cookies on Christmas eve!
We enjoy sipping hot chocolate by the tree and listening to Christmas music.
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Our Christmas tradition is to let the youngest start with opening one of his presents and he chooses a present for one of his siblings to open, who then chooses the next etc. It takes while but the children really enjoy this.
Follower of project quilting on FB
Follower of persimmon dreams on FB. Thank you for a chance to win your wonderful giveaway.
My favorite tradition is that we all spend Christmas Eve night with my parents. My sister, my hubby & our kids & now that they are grown, we are adding their spouses. It's crowded but fun!
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I liked Project Quilting on FB.
We start out the holiday by celebrating St. Lucia's day on Dec 13 – cinnamon rolls, coffee/hot cocoa and a small handmade gift for everyone! Happy Holiday to you and yours! Thank you for the giveaway!
My favorite Christmas tradition is the making and giving of gifts. That's what I love the most. Thanks for letting us visit.
My favoriate Christmas tradition is Christmas Eve getting together with my family and opening presents. I love to see their expressions when they open a new quilt or table runner… Makes all the more fun when I get to make it for them!!
Family Dinner on Christmas Eve with silver dishes and candlelight. How do you get the quilt blocks on each comment?
I Love Visiting Family And Friends. Baking Cookies. AndAlong Quilts For Family.
My fav Christmas tradition is to decorate the tree with the kids. And especially to attend the Christmas Eve service at our church.
Most meaningful…the local mega-church Christmas concert with full orchestra and choir of 200, then back to the house for appetizers and desserts with special friends and family.
My favorite tradition is putting up Christmas decorations and ornaments. Each ornament is special to me and decorating the house makes me think of where I got the ornament and who I was with when I got it.
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I already like Project QUILTING on Facebook.
First time to your blog. Favorite Christmas tradition is celebrating
St. Nicholas Day on Dec. 6th. Kids ( all ages) put out one shoe before they go to bed on the 5th. St.Nickolas comes by with goodies to fill the shoes during the night. Usually candy/small treats.
Reminds all that this is a season of giving to others even if it's small things. ( If there is chocolate involved, be sure the shoes are kept out of reach of the family dog!)
Setting out the cookies and milk for Santa. Even though the youngest is 22, it still must get done…Thanks so much for sharing
I enjoy sing Christmas Carols and attending Midnight Mass. Thank you for a chance to win. HAPPY QUILTING:)
it's the one time a year when the whole family gets together.
I love family time.
I enjoy spending time with my grand kids at Christmas time.
Liked Persimon Dreams on Facebook: NIcole Sender.
fb name is Nicole Sender!
Liked Project QUILTING on Facebook: Nicole Sender.
my favorite tradition is decorating cookies with the kids and g-kids then .making baklava and chex mix. loved your hand died fabrics.
One of my favorite traditions we no longer do. When I was little we always made homemade root beer two weeks before Christmas so I would be drinkable by then. But we have not done this since our parents have passed away. One tradition we do still do is our Christmas Stockings. We always wait until after our evening meal before we open our stockings. It was like having two Christmases. I love it just as much today as I did back then.
Thanks for this opportunity.
Rae (
My favorite Christmas tradition is going to the midnight church service. It is quiet and helps me remember "the reason for the season"
Our Christmas tradition that I love the most is candlelight service on Christmas Eve and singing carols.
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My favorite was when I was young, we always opened a new board game and played it on Christmas Eve. I did this with my children also.