As most of the summer has been July will be a busy month for me. We have a mini family vacation planned, one wedding to attend, another wedding my three girls and husband are all in, and a big craft show for me to vend at. That being said – I still want to finish something this month! Let’s check out my goals for the July ‘A Lovely Year of Finishes’.
Goal 1. My Brother’s Quilt
I had a hard time deciding what my main goal would be for July. Just now, I realized if I don’t finish my brother’s quilt this month is probably won’t be done by Christmas. I started with one idea in mind but now I’ve completely scrapped that and am going in a whole different direction for it. Hopefully I’ll have some of the blocks made by the mid-month check in so I can show you what I’m doing. I tweaked the Impromptu quilt pattern to eliminate the need for 1” strips but it’s going to have the same feel as the impromptu quilt does.
Goal 2. Prepare for the Craftacular
It’s no secret that I’m highly productive when I can find some time to work. With that being said I have a large inventory of finished product. But every time I do a show I like to have at least a few ‘new’ things that I haven’t had at a show before. This past Sunday, I hand dyed some pillow cases that I will need to add pockets too and make worry dolls for before the show.
I also have some plans for some special Heart Pillowcases and would like to get some more made. I’ll be announcing the details on this next week!
Goal 3. Catch up and/or Keep up with the various quilt along’s I’m participating in.
1. tulapink block 3, 2. Block 6, 3. Block 5, 4. Block 4, 5. Block 7, 6. Tula Pink’s City Sampler Quilt Along, 7. Tula Pink’s City Sampler Quilt Along, 8. Tula Pink’s City Sampler Quilt Along, 9. Tula Pink’s City Sampler Quilt Along, 10. Tula Pink’s City Sampler Quilt Along, 11. Tula Pink’s City Sampler Quilt Along, 12. Tula Pink’s City Sampler Quilt Along, 13. Tula Pink’s City Sampler Quilt Along, 14. Tula100 Block No. 16, 15. Tula100 BLock no 17, 16. tula100 block no 18, 17. tulapink block 1, 18. tulapink block 2
- City Sampler Quilt Along – I have 18 blocks done so far! I would love to get 18 more done this month at least…let’s see if that happens!
- Impromptu Along – Add the final borders! Prepare for quilting!
- Aurifil Designer Block of the Month – Catch up on the last two blocks and finish the July block.
I have decided to combine my Aurfil blocks with the Fairytale Bungalow Quilting BOM patterns to create one really fun and crazy sampler quilt. I need to catch up with the five others I’ve fallen behind on and do the one for July as well.
I think I’ll stop there. I think that’s going to be plenty this month along with getting the apple orchard ready to open in mid-August…and keeping up with my three girls…
What are your July goals?
Popping over from a Lovely Year of Finishes and I am amazed at your lofty goals. You are so productive, you put my measly little goal to shame! I'm truly motivated by your productivity!
Aww – thanks! I don't mean to do that's just literally impossible for me to sit still! And my sewing time is coming close to an end…apple season will be starting in August…this is my last big 'goal achieving month' for awhile.
You are so fantastic! Love all these goals!