I think this will be my last photo post thought this would be the last photo post of our incredible trip to North Carolina. But – I got so many great shots of our last night on the beach I’m saving a few shots from our trip home for a sixth post. Sorry about that!
Back to the Beach
On our last full day in the Outer Banks we decided to spend it at the beach.
All the girls were ready to play in the waves.
We let Pip skip her nap but she did some extra special beach cuddling with us for her break.
Papa invented a fun thing to do. He put his chair so the waves would get him and held one of the girls in his lap. It was pretty cool actually. The water was too cold to be in it all the time but this was great.
Pip taking a rest on her Papa.
I just love babies in bikini’s with their belly’s hanging out! I can’t help it!
Capri took this picture of Pip and I!
Cedi and Pip.
Capri and Pip
I was going to just post this picture with both the girls and Pip but I just think they’re all so cute!
On our last night at the beach we went out for a walk around 7:30ish. Just before it got dark and prime shell finding time. Next time we go we’ll be taking walks on the beach at this time EVERY night – it was seriously so perfect!
A family photo.Cedi wrote ‘The Lpapcek famele fodo sut!’ on the sand 😉
Cedi and her Aunt Karma.
I tried to get all three girls to hold hands and run/walk down the beach…this was the best that I could get which I’m happy with.
The girls and I all put on matching ‘Mako Mike’ tattoo’s.
On the final walk of the beach Pip passed out! It was adorable! but heavy.
And we had to get a family shot under the pier.
Pure bliss.
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