Welcome to everyone new and old! I’m so happy to have you at my blog for this stop of the Between Heaven and Texas Blog Hop. This blog hop is to celebrate the release of Marie Bostwick’s new book – Between Heaven and Texas.
You’ll be hearing from twelve different people about their take on the book, an opportunity to win your very own copy of the book AND get a new star block tutorial each day! Perfect for making a fun sampler quilt!
Here’s the line-up for the hop:
Monday, April 29 – Marie Bostwick – Marie’s block is here: Mirror-Mirror Star
Tuesday, April 30 – Michele – Quilting Gallery
Wednesday, May 1 – Bonnie – Quiltville
Thursday, May 2 – Pat – Pat Sloan – Click HERE to listen to Pat interviewing Marie!
Thursday, May 2 – Kim – Persimon Dreams
Friday, May 3 – Melissa – Happy Quilting
Saturday, May 4 – Jo – Jo’s Country Junction
Sunday, May 5 – Wendy – Ivory Spring
Monday, May 6 – Victoria – Bumble Beans Inc.
Tuesday, May 7 – Vicki – Quilting Lodge Blog
Wednesday, May 8 – Melissa/Jake – Generation Q Magazine
Thursday, May 9 – Jennifer – Sew Hooked
Friday, May 10 – Jackie – Canton Village Quilt Works
A fun BONUS has been added to this hop! If you’ll also make an extra block or two to send to Jennifer of Sew Hooked, as she’ll be putting together the blocks into quilts for The Linus Connection.
The Linus Connection
Want to help out a great cause while enjoying the great free patterns from Marie’s Blog Tour? Make an extra star block and donate it the The Linus Connection. Jennifer from Sewhookedhas been an active volunteer for The Linus Connection for over 10 years. She’s made and donated approximately 300 quilts to The Linus Connection since 2002, many of them made from orphan blocks donated by quilters from around the world.
The Linus Connection is a 501(c)(3) organization based in Austin, Texas whose mission is to make and deliver handmade security blankets for children in crisis situations in the Central Texas area. The blankets go to children in hospital emergency rooms, in crisis centers, in foster care, battered women’s shelters, to any child who is in need of a little extra security in their lives.
Contact Jennifer for mailing information at sewhooked@gmail.com or visit The Linus Connection blog to find out other ways you can help.
My Story
Just over a week ago I was contacted by Michele of the Quilting Gallery to see if I could help Pat Sloan – the Voice of Quilting out and design a star block for the hop. I was more than happy to help out. Since I am ‘apprenticing’ for Pat Sloan I figured I should probably do an applique block since Pat is so famous for her incredible applique block designs. Because of my lateness into the game I just received my copy of the book and have not had a chance to read it. It’s the next book in my stack though so I’ll keep you posted on what I think.
Starry Night – Free Block Tutorial
I’m sharing with you today the ‘Starry Night’ block that I designed.
PDF Instruction Downloads: (save and print both)
There is a Flickr group set up for you to share your completed blocks and you can follow along on Facebook too.
About Between Heaven and Texas
In this luminous prequel to her beloved Cobbled Court Quilts series, New York Times bestselling author Marie Bostwick takes readers into the heart of a small Texas town and the soul of a woman who discovers her destiny there…
Welcome to Too Much–where the women are strong-willed and the men are handsome yet shiftless. Ever since Mary Dell Templeton and her twin sister Lydia Dale were children, their Aunt Velvet has warned them away from local boys. But it’s well known that the females in Mary Dell’s family have two traits in common–superior sewing skills and a fatal weakness for men.
While Lydia Dale grows up petite and pretty, Mary Dell just keeps growing. Tall, smart, and sassy, she is determined to one day turn her love of sewing into a business. Meanwhile, she’ll settle for raising babies with her new husband, Donny. But that dream proves elusive too, until finally, Mary Dell gets the son she always wanted–a child as different as he is wonderful. And as Mary Dell is forced to reconsider what truly matters in her family and her marriage, she begins to piece together a life that, like the colorful quilts she creates, will prove vibrant, rich, and absolutely unforgettable. . .
“This book is wrapped around my heart with all the love, warmth, and beauty of a favorite family quilt. I can’t stop thinking about it! I’m in love with Mary Dell Templeton, and I’m in love with Too Much, Texas.” – Robyn Carr, #1 New York Times Bestselling author
“Brilliant . . . the characters thunder with life right off the page and into your heart in this quintessential story of family, forgiveness, and nobility. I just adored every single page!” — Dorthea Benton Frank, New York Times Bestselling author of “Porch Lights”
“A book that brims with laughter and laser-sharp insight.” — Kristan Higgins, New York Times Bestselling author
About the Author – Marie Bostwick
Marie Bostwick is the New York Times Bestselling author of eleven books, including the popular Cobbled Court Quilt series of novel. She lives in Connecticut with Brad, her husband of thirty-one years. When not writing or volunteering for her church, she enjoys quilting, gardening, reading, watching movies, spending time with her friends and family, and especially playing with her grandsons. Marie travels extensively, speaking at libraries, bookstores, quilt guilds, and at quilt shows. She has been a featured speaker at the Paducah Quilt Festival and the Houston International Quilt Festival. In 2013, she will be the keynote speaker at Quilt Nebraska.
Marie’s Web Site: http://www.mariebostwick.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mariebostwick
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariebostwick
Let’s not forget about the Giveaway! I have a copy of Marie’s book to give away to one of my lucky blog visitors in North America. If you’d like a chance to win, leave a comment below answering the question:
How/When do you fit in quilting when the weather gets nice?
I’ll randomly pick a winner on Wednesday, May 8th. Make sure you leave your email address so I contact you to claim your prize.
Good luck everyone!
Giveaway now CLOSED.
I make time everyday to quilt/sew. I try to plan my quilting around chores or errands, or if there is a movie or show to watch while I quilt.
I never really think about fitting it in; it is just part of my day! Though, to be truthful, when the weather gets nice, I often am out early on my bike so quilting has to wait! Plus, I do find I like small portable projects to take wherever the weather leads me! Of course, with snow on the ground today, I guess it is not an issue yet for me! Happy Spring!
I cannot be in the sun between the "peak" hours of 10-3 so I use that time to do some quilting. Also, with baseball season, I try to have some hand work to do while my husband and I watch a game on TV.
When the weather gets nice, I really must schedule in my sewing time at the machine, and JUST DO IT. since my sewing area is in the basement level of the house, I can't even look out the window! I also try to have some small hand work to do at odd moments, while watching television or just sitting out on the deck. Lately, it is making some little yoyos. I don't know what they will eventually be, but they are fun to make!
Schedule a day to quilt and say no other things.
I live in India where the weather is always warm. I love quilting and I do a lot of bags and baby quilts. I plan the quilt or bag the night before and do it the first thing in the morning after my husband leaves for his work and I am alone at that time and nothing to disturb me till the day begins.
I try to squeeze in at least 1/2 hour after cleaning up dinner dishes. I do that most every day and really do get a lot accomplished..
I have a to-go quilting bag that goes with me to every baseball game, every basketball tournament, every musical practice, etc. I sew as much as I can on-the-go!
What a cute block! I can't wait to try one.
I like to do handwork when the weather won't let me stay indoors. Sometimes it's appliqué and sometimes it's knitting. As long as it's portable.
I hand quilt, so it goes with me almost everywhere.
I can always find time to quilt after the sun goes down. A bit of handwork at the end of the day is my relaxation.
I do hand applique in the evenings and wait for too hot or rainy days for machine piecing.
I keep a hand quilting project in a carry bag that I can leave by my chair for evening or take when I travel and don't have to drive. Also on hot afternoons, my basement sewing room is still cool so a good place to be.
It's really hard when the weather is nice but nighttime is the easiest for me-when it's quiet!
Here in Georgia it gets too hot to be outside in the afternoons so its like northern snow in time. Love to quilt all seasons, piecing is my passion. Pat H
I am guilty of not quilting much at all when nice weather comes; but am hoping to be more disciplined this year. Have started hexi's for my first-ever Grandmother's Garden quilt, will be small to hang on my ladder by the fireplace. Also have wool applique going on too if I want to take either project outside with me. Hubby also converted our screened porch into a 3 season porch that and bought a nice small dining table w.4 chairs so I can sew out there also.
Have Marie's other books, so would be pleased to have this to add to them.
I try to spend at least 15 minutes every afternoon doing something quilt related and early mornings on the weekend are my sewing times.
I love to golf, swim, and go to movies, and go cruising. However, I set aside and schedule my quilt time for early morning. Then by noon, I am ready to go and do something else, or just stay home and read a book. I also schedule 'sew days' with friends- it forces me to concentrate on one project. However, my UFO pile is still in need of getting done.
Today my husband got up at 4:00 a.m. to get ready for work, so I got up with him and I got ready for work by 5:45 so that gave me 1 1/2 hours to sew before I left for work. Birds were chirping, squirrells scampering around the yard, dew on the grass, it was a great way to start my morning. Tonight I will sew from the time I get home from work till I drag myself to bed. It's probably a good thing hubby is a firefighter and is only gone every third day..
That's a good question! I open up the windows and doors and invite the pretty weather in. I also try not to become consumed with a project so that I can get outside and enjoy the nice day. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love a chance to read Marie Bostwick's book. When the weather is good, I split my day between inside and outside. I do some chores inside, then work in the garden outside or fly my airplane (yup, I'm a private pilot). Or I go take a walk with my dog. In the evenings, I am inside cooking then sewing.
I don't let the weather bother my quilting time. If I feel like I want to do some quilting, I just do it.
I quilt lots in the summertime as I am a teacher so my winter months are full with things I am doing for and with my school kids.
Thanks for the chance to win this lovely book.
I like to take handwork outside and sew on the porch while listening to the birds. Makes me smile!
Nice weather mostly means that the view outside my sewing room window is prettier. My arthritis presents a challenge of outdoor work or quilting. I'm sure you can guess what wins. Having met Marie and read all the other Cobbled Courts books I am especially hopeful to win this one.
DH and I are members of the local Farmers' Market and sell on Saturdays. We plant a BIG garden that always needs LOTS of water so in garden season I don't get as much time to quilt but try to squeeze it in when I can.
I find I just have to make time. I don't really have a plan, just do it when ever I want. Thanks for the great pattern and the give away.
It is very difficult to fit my quilting time in when the weather is nice, we grow raspberries, blackberries and blueberries for sale, as well as have a large vegetable garden, and I do a lot of preserving. I have decided this summer, that I am getting up early to do my picking, then garden/flower bed tending and yard mowing, then I will come in and shower, do any food prep for the day, then quilt, I have a longarm, so I quilt for others much more often than myself. I go to two or three retreats away from home every year to do my own stuff, it is really the only time that I get much finished!! Kind of makes you tired, huh?!
I work full time, so not a lot of extra time for quilting. I don't have a large garden anymore, so usually get an hour or 2 on Sat or Sun afternoon to do something quilty.
In the summer I usually quilt in the heat of the day in my basement studio which is nice and cool. I try to get everything else done in the cool morning and evening, I do gardening and housework. I like listening to audio books or tv programs while I quilt.
I have a nice shaded porch that I can use for some hand stitching. Another friend has a screened in porch and we can have our stitch group meetings outside.
Quilting and Knitting share my free time. I'm always doing one of them if I'm watching TV so my evenings always include some sort of handwork.
When the weather is so inviting and quilting tends to get forgotten, I usually contact one or two of my quilting friends and we create an impromptu picnic in our local park. That's when the hand projects come out and bindings get done on quilts, all while enjoying a sunny day.
I teach so I have the most time to quilt during the hot summer months. My sewing room is nicely air condiditoned.
I'm retired and make time to quilt three days a week! So lucky!
I sew early in the morning or after dark. And on very hot days, I crank up the A/C and sew all day.
My quilt room is confortable and I get a view of the street, were I can sometimes see children playing and neighbors walking their dogs – all is right with the world with this view and playing with my material.
It's a funny thing I've noticed of the way I quilt/sew. I seem to do more when it is hot out. I will go outside and play with the feeders and drink a cup of coffee but when it gets hot and the bugs come out I'm off the the sewing machine.
That's what those late hours at night are for. If I don't have time during the day, I try and do quilting at night. If not in my sewing room, I always have some hand project that I can work on – even if it is only while watching the news.
When the weather warms, I'm usually found out in the flower beds. I will take breaks in the heat of the day and do some sewing or in the evening when it get dark outside.
I try to get my daily tasks done early — working out, running errands, cleaning, etc. — so I can use whatever free time I have to sew. Doesn't really matter what the weather is, I still sew!
Cute block, can't wait to read the new book. I try to find 1/2 hour each day, sometimes hand work on the patio.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I usually try to do it in the morning before the kids wake up.
oh that's easy, chores, errands and all the "have to's" in the morning, afternoons are my time and i set aside the weekends for sewing.
Warm weather is easier for me to do machine piecing. The days are longer and the natural light coming into the house makes it more conducive to quilting. Cooler weather makes me want to put a quilt over my lap and do hand stitching on quilting – be it a binding or applieque or embroidery for blocks. Thanks for the giveaway. Thanks for reminding us that someone is putting together orphan blocks to make great quilts for a great cause.
I like to open the windows early in the morning and sit near the cool breeze and listen to the birds while I quilt in the summer!
How/When do you fit in quilting when the weather gets nice?
Honestly still trying to figure that out. Have been thinking about making a quilt since my dad passed in '09…then when my mom passed in '10 I decided I really would do some checking on how to do it. So have done some research, even bought material and then my sister whom I was caregiver too passed away in Feb. of this year at the age of 60. I figure once I get through this faze of life, I'll be better able to deal with the quilts. Got all the ideas and materials, just need the mindset.
I live in southern California where the weather is usually wonderful. I open the windows and enjoy it while I sew.
Here in Texas the weather usually goes from cold to hot so there is just a little nice in between so the sewing never stops:) I have either the heater or the A/C on:)
For example… yesterday 87…today 56 and that was this morning…gotta love cold fronts!
I cannot wait to read your book. Takes time away from my sewing, which I must do each day – so much to quilt, so little time. Once I start reading a good story tho, all else stops until I finish the book and find out what happens! So I try to space my book reading around my quilting. Also sit and sew by hand while I watch some favorite PBS shows.
I really "need" to sew every day, so it is not too difficult for me to find time. I have always loved working in the yard, but find that I must curtail that a bit now for physical reasons. I often pace myself by interspersing "sit-down" sewing with yard/house work. When I am too tired for machine sewing, I like to have a bit of hand sewing ready to pick up as I lean back into a comfortable chair. Happy to see your applique pattern today! I will do that by hand.
I love to quilt all the time. And I love to piece or applique sitting on my swing on the back patio while enjoying the beautiful weather here in Albuquerque!
Oh it's difficult for me – it's so beautiful here in Cambridge now. I have a hard time staying inside. I'm starting to count thinking and reading about quilting as my quilting time. Thanks for putting my name in the hat for your drawing!
When it gets to hot to be outside, stay in and quilt. Or have a take along project for grandkids sports activities.
I try to get in a little sewing every day. Some days only 15 mins others a full afternoon or more.
I try to do hand projects so I can take them along or outside.
I like to quilt late at night when the weather gets hot. My studio is on the top floor of the old farm house I live in…no a/c and no windows I can open, so I wait for it to cool off. Early mornings I like to ride my horse before it gets too hot.
I retired this year, so when the weather is nice, I have the blessing of being able to throw open the doors in my sewing room and quilt whenever I want!
My summer job requires me to do a lot of waiting on small fishing boats. I set up my sewing machine in our kitchen window and sew until I see a boat and then go to work. Lots of back and forth all day long.
I usually wait until my day's work is done – evenings in front of the TV catching up on DVR recordings. Judy R from Buffalo
I usually have "ME" time in the late evenings…so tend to use that time to do quilty/sewy things…or crochet.
LOVE your Starry sky block!!! Perfect fabrics for it!! Awesome job!!
I hand quilt on the deck in the evenings. Outside light is fabulous for quilting.
Hiya!!! I traveled over from Pat Sloan's blog. I am usually an indoor person, so finding the time isn't a big problem. The sun and bugs like me too much, lol. Thanks for having the giveaway, and I love your star block. Blessed be, hugs!!!
I make time on my days off from work. Thanks!
I love to get up early and after breakfast i'll usually bring a nice cup of tea and my ipod to my sewing studio and play with my latest project(s). I find if I don't quilt or do quilty things for a few days that I get a little crabby……….i'm justs sayin!
Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway. I have a terminal illness so every day I do something that is quilting or quilting related. It makes me happy, albeit I cannot do much at one sitting. I have to thank God and give him praise for allowing me to do what makes me happy. Reading about quilting is wonderful too, so perhaps will win a copy of this new book. I like your block so off to download.
I tend to quilt towards deadlines and will make quilting my priority when I need to. The spring brings gardening and one has to do that when the weather permits but there is always rainy days.
The weather is no problem for quilting in Norway. Never too hot to quilt, and if we have a couple of nice days in a summer, I could bring out my hexies. Thanks for this giveaway!
There's always the nighttime after dark when the gardening is done! There is always time for my Quilting! Some days it's too hot outside so I can justify staying inside in the cooler basement and stitch away. Thanks for increasing our chance to WIN Marie's book!
Thank you so much for the applique block. I love to applique and can take it outside when the weather is nice.
I take my quilting out on the deck – perfect for enjoying the fresh air, sipping tea, and hand quilting.
When the weather is lovely, I just have to be outside. But, in the evening, after dark, I find time to sew and quilt. I especially love to do hand sewing and quilting then. And, I try to leave everything "out" and ready to sew on a machine project, so that it is easy for me to continue to work on a project when I have time. I find if I put everything away, then it's so hard to get it all out and get going again. Thanks!
I actually find MORE time to make quilts when the weather is "nice." I live in Florida, and summers are incredibly hot, so I crank up the air conditioning and sew away!
I find time to quilt in the evening after winding down from a busy day at work.
The weather here in Arizona is almost always nice, so I quilt when I can. In the summer when it gets very hot, I do my chores in the early part of the day when it is a little cooler and quilt in the afternoon with the air conditioner cranked up.
Idon't stop my quilting just because it is a nice day, but I am more likely to take my "breaks" outside when the weather is nice.
When the weather gets nice I still make time to sew every Thursday with my best quilting buds, the Knotty Sew & Sews. I also sew in the evenings and, when the weather is really warm, I sew in my air-conditioned sewing room during the heat of the day, when its too hot to work outside anyway!!
My sewing area is in the basement, so it's actually a very cool place to quilt during the summer. I also work on smaller projects, so I don't have the weight of the quilt and warmth on me as I quilt on my domestic.
For me the question should be "when the weather is nice, how/when do you fit in garden time?" I use to spend most of my free time in my garden. Now my yard suffers because I spend most days, rain or shine, sewing and quilting.
thanks for sharing
I live in Ms, so it gets so hot here, i stay in where it is cool! I feel more like quilting when it is warm and sunny, and look forward to summer. Thank you for chance to win.
I have to admit, I have trouble focusing on sewing when the weather is nice. Luckily (?) it is usually cold and rainy till the end of June.
I'm going to try sewing first thing in the morning so I'll have time to work outside later. Housework will have to wait. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book.
I love to have a hand project to work on when I am outside.
Actually, the weather doesn't really make a difference in my quilting. I'm almost always do some kind of a quilting activity. I have always wanted to quilt and never had time to. When I retired I started quilting. I'm either actually sewing, browsing through quilting magazines, reading blogs about quilting, or something else quilting related. It hasn't been a whole year yet and I'm sure it will slow down, but right now I'm really enjoying it!
I quilt mostly in the evenings. Although I am able to quilt whenever I like since my children are grown. Except when the grandbabies visit.
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Marie's book.
I try to sew in the evenings before bed. I really like your block, will have to give it a try soon. Thanks for the giveaway also. vickise at gmail dot com
LOL. Quite a challenge but usually "after everyone is in bed" and "before everyone gets up"
I'm not much of a fan of the hot outside – so Saturday afternoons in the summer are great to stay inside with the AC and sew! I take care of my flowers early in the morning or late evening
I'm a housecat! I stay in and quilt, piece and sew in any weather! Spend most of my time doing what I love to do, retired and don't have to work anymore!
I get some quilting in every day. Weather doesn't really matter. I have so many projects on the go, there's always something I'm chomping at the bit to tackle.
I generally quilt after dinner. Weather doesn't really factor in!
I quilt year-round. I have a lovely deck, and I take my machine outside and sew on the shady side! It's perfect!
I can't find as much time in the summertime, though there is still some time in the evening.
I get up in the morning and eat my breakfast and read emails & blogs outside. Then I go quilt until lunch which I take outside to eat with my dogs. Then back to quilting until about 5. We eat dinner outside sometimes also. Then some of the weekends we will run up to our cabin which is 30 min away. I try to get as much sun as possible!
Perfect name for your block. Thanks for the chance to win.
In the evenings after the dinner meal is cleaned up, and on days when the hot California sun makes it so unbearable that I need to retreat into my sewing room.
good summer weather is no problem … i'm limited in my activities; quilting and other handwork is about all i can do, if i take it easy for short periods. but i enjyoy good spring and summer days nonetheless!
I actually find it easier to work on quilts when the weather is nice because I open up the blind and window and let the sunshine in along with the fresh air.
Very pretty. And I can't wait to read the new book
I've had radiation treatments for salivary gland cancer, so I spend very limited time outside. Staying inside and making things in warm weather isn't hard for me!
Not too difficult for me as it's way too humid in Florida to go out past early morning or early evening so I sew in-between!
I like to sew early in the morning before the sun gets too hot and bright in my sewing room.
With the windows open, I can listen to the birds singing and watch the country life waking. It makes my heart happy to hold fabric in my hands and see the beauty outside my window.
And if my back tires from sitting at the machines, I love to stretch out and read a book…preferably, one about quilters and quilting….and a mystery stitched in makes the story all the better.
That's not hard for me to answer. I live in Florida and mostly it is too hot and humid to be outside comfortably, so I get in my sewing time during the hottest part of the day.
Love the fabric on the block…what is the source of the ctarry night background fabric…my e-mail address is echamness@woh.rr.com
I love your block! I quilt during nap time almost every day, rain or shine. It is my only me time.
I always keep a couple of hand projects going, either GFG or applique. When it's nice, I love to sit outside on the swing or in a rocking chair and work on these very long term projects.
I quilt with a friend and we keep each other motivated. I hope now that the weather is nice that the motivation will be for quilting AND for exercise is in the form of walks!
Right after work and before dinner,,,calms me down from a crazy day and with the weather nice hubby and I can eat later on the deck.
Whenever the mood hits, I quilt. When it's nice out it just means I get to open the windows!
I try to fit it in where ever I can! I drive for a living so I am not home much. I always have a project or two on the go in the truck for when I have some time (which isn't nearly as often as I would like), but I do miss my sewing machine. I am slowly beginning to like hand piecing though, especially when I use Inklingo – it makes it soooooo much easier! Thank you for sharing your block!
I love your block. I quilt mostly in the afternoon when things are quiet.
A lot of times I sew in the evening. Since I'm a night owl this appeals to me!
I wait for rainy days to sew/quilt or do it in the evenings to relax.
My sewing/quilting definitely slows down in the summer, but I keep a 'hand work' project ready to go to sew on those long car trips and/or rainy days stuck in the RV in some campground while hubby fishes!
My two favorite activities are reading & quilting no matter what the weather. But if the outdoors is calling me, then I read/quilt in the early mornings or in the evening.s Thanks for the great block & the chance to win.
I actually sew more when the weather is nice. The beauty outdoors inspires me to create.
It's tough since we have such a short summer here in Alaska!! But half (or more!) of the time it's raining! When it's not, I like to do handwork out on the deck. As my DH says, "It never stops!"
When the weather gets nice (which it typically is most of the time here in California) I fit quilting and sewing into my early mornings and evenings. Love your Star!!!
Cute block. Enjoy your blog.
I try to fit in a little quilting time everyday. I am not a successful gardener, so that doesn't take me away. I go outside for walks or runs most every day regardless of weather.
I live in south Texas. It is hot during the summer, so I sew while I look out my window and am thankful for air conditioning.
Because my sewing room faces west, I need to get into it in the morning before the afternoon sun hits that side of the house. I always find time for a little sewing. Looks like a good read, thanks for the chance to win the book.
I fit in quilting any time I can. Being a newbie Im trying to be focused
When the weather is so perfect that I can't stay inside, I sew outside. I do hand sewing in a lawn chair. I may even put the Featherweight on the picnic table on the deck and do chain piecing. Some sewing – every day! Thanks for the give-away. I'm enjoying the posts.
I sew in the middle of the night or rainy days. There's always time to sew.
Morning is my favorite time to quilt all year round. — soparkaveataoldotcom
Love to do handwork out on the deck when fine weather allows.
I like to sew from 6-7 am as I am a early riser, but still working full time. I recommend audio books while piecing – one CD is about an hour of sewing. I met Marie at the Fabric Depot in Portland OR and had already been reading her series with my quilting friends.
Because it stays light so late here in Oregon during the summer, I quilt in the evenings after the house is quiet. During winter it is just too darned dark in my sewing room to quilt at night; in summer I feel as if I have found a few extra hours in the day. (Isn't that what we all want?)
What a fun block. I do most of my quilting on the weekends during the day.
i usually quilt in the evenings when its cooler and because it stays light till about 10 pm here so it gives me a long evening to work
I quilt whenever I can steal a few moments – I really enjoy being able to quilt with the windows open and fresh air coming in. Any season is a great season to quilt!
I can find the time to quilt whatever the weather! We go to the drive-in movies a lot in the summer. I take a quilt to hand quilt along with my hand-free LED light that hangs around my neck, and quilt under the stars while watching the movie and don't even bother anyone else!
I always fit it in (hand stitching) at the end of the day when I wind down, sometimes in front of the tv and sometimes as I am enjoying the deck.
I usually am an early riser so get a little bit then and when it rains
I try to fit it in during the early hours or late at night.
I live in a seniors facility so I do have time to myself to quilt.
I live in Southern California, I quilt whenever I can. I always have a few hand projects as well as machine projects going at the same time. If I have even just 15 minutes to handstitch it is soothing and a great way to stay motivated. I have stitched last minute gifts while on the plane going to the recipient. ANY chance I have I take it. Waiting for retirement so I can just wake up and quilt till the sun goes down.
I am no longer able to work so I can sew and do crafts most of the time. The only thing is I can't sit or stand very long at a time. It is better if I do my work early before my pain gets to bad.
When spring and summer weather come I like to do small hand applique and English paper piecing projects. I would love to win a copy of Marie's latest book, thanks for your block.
I love to quilt early in the morning before it gets too hot
I don't know if my pattern actually changes. I try to sew when I can find time whether it's nice outside or not. Thanks for sharing!
With having a full time job, I don't have the luxury of playing outside when it's nice. So I quilt before and after work catching snippets of time here and there.
I'm indoors these days while fighting Lyme Disease so even though the weather is getting nicer, I'm pretty limited in going outside. I'm doing my quilting activities in bed or while watching TV. Otherwise, like next year, hopefully, I'll do it under an umbrella at the beach or on a porch rocker, at a casual ladies' church function, even in doctor's offices.