Happy Monday morning! I’m up ridiculously early with a crabby Pip but *knock on wood* she’s hopefully going back to sleep now. I figured my sleep was messed up already so I might as well get to work on the Voting post. It was another amazing job this week! We have thirty quilts that we’ll be trying to decide our favorite on! I’m glad I’m not you!
Before we get to the quilts – what will the quilt with the most votes win!?
1st place will win this amazing Batik 5″ Charms: 40 Tonga Treat Mini Squares in Pomegranate from FabricFascination!
2nd place will get a pdf pattern of my original ‘Spinning Nines’ Table Runner! You can use the technique I show in this pattern to make a quilt of any size!
In the event of another tie we’ll randomly draw which winner gets which prize!
Alright – now I’m going to post the quilts in alphabetical order and then at the bottom of this page you can vote for your favorite. You’ll be allowed to pick your top THREE quilts so keep that in mind as you’re browsing. Click on the quilt images and it will take you to the flickr page so you can learn more about the quilt and the process the artist went through to create it. Because everyone’s inspiration was different this week I’m going to do my best to also post the inspirational page with the quilt so you can see how it all started. Closer looks at each of these quilts will be coming on this blog throughout the week.
The Challenge: Print Publications
The Results:
Carlotta Jean
Cotton N Lace
Debbie in SC
Marcia’s Crafty Sewing & Quilting
Please vote for your THREE most favorite quilts! You can only vote ONE time so be sure to select all THREE the first time! Voting closes at the end of the day Friday, March 15th. I will announce the winner before the next (and last) challenge goes up on Sunday, March 17th.
I’m not in the public vote but I would love to hear your thoughts on my quilt either way!
Persimon Dreams
And – check out the progress a couple of PQer’s made this week. I know timing for the week of the challenge but I love it when folks share the pieces that they were inspired to make! Stop by and give them some feedback on their progress!
Isabella’s Whimsy
And with that…I’m going to try to sleep a little before the girls get up. Pip’s still rustling about up there but hopefully she falls back asleep…
Kim, Great collection this week! Love your tree of kids!
The quilts this week are amazing! I have so many I wanna vote for, so difficult to cut it down to just 3!
Boy was this hard to vote on! Everyone did awesome!
Difficult choices as all of them were beautiful.
Difficult choices as all of them are beautiful….such talent…God given I am sure.
Wow! Tought CHOICE! Very creative! So many different styles in one competition! Hard to choose..glad I got to choose three!
Love your tree filled with kids! The quilts this week are incredible! Very difficult to choose just 3. Kudos to all who entered this challenge!
Love the quilts this week. Hard call to vote for 3 especially when some were very appealing visually as a quilt and then others were amazing when you saw how they were inspired from the printed page and their interpretation wasn't literal. Love a good dose of inspired creativity and even though I didn't have the time to participate the concept for the week was fantastic.
As for your quilt LOVE LOVE LOVE. It has given momentum to some ideas I have had percolating for some time to promote fruit and encouraged me to take more of a abstract rather than literal approach. ( I too grew up on an orchard.)
Awesome entries – so creative! I had a hard time picking just three.
Thanks for looking them all over and casting your vote! I would have a hard time just picking three too! At least I didn't make you only choose 1!
Glad my quilt has helped you with your ideas. I'm very involved in our farm to school program and really love how it turned out. 🙂
What a hard choice this week! Seems like we need to have a round of voiting to narrow it down step by step 😉 Your quilt is AMAZING!!! I absolutely love it!