Hi everyone! Are you enjoying your weekend? I said I would post the winner of the Project QUILTING Fat Quarter Bundle and I am doing it! It’s a bit later than normal because I was up in Oshkosh at a sale today. It’s always fun chatting with people, selling some things, and seeing old friends.
I’m so excited to say that blocks, stash starting fabrics, t-shirts, maps and more have been showing up daily for Capri’s Future Quilter Quilt birthday project! I’m so grateful for all your support! She is going to LOVE this!
Alright – I won’t make you wait any long. I’m going head over to random.org to put in the number ‘204’ since that’s how many qualifying comments were left on the giveaway post…
My Random selected the 105th comment to WIN this fabulous prize!
Jennifer / February 5, 2013
I just subscribed to your newsletter.
Congrats to Jennifer! I’ll be contacting you to let you know how to claim your fabulous prize!
Sad you didn’t win a bundle? There’s still one day left for you to take 20% off your order from the Fat Quarter Shop – stop by HERE to see how…
How are your Project QUILTING challenges going? Don’t forget to post your pictures by NOON tomorrow!
Congratulations to the winner