Happy Monday everyone! Are you all excited about this weeks Project QUILTING Challenge? I know I have some ideas…now I need to find the time
I’m so excited to let you know that the Fat Quarter Shop is letting me giveaway a Project QUILTING Bundle to one of my lucky readers this week!
This is a great opportunity for you to win a bundle and join in the fun! Don’t want to risk it – head over to the Fat Quarter Shop now and buy your bundle – you can still enter the contest and give your bundle to a friend to challenge them to the ‘Tradition Times Three’ Challenge. The major twist on the challenge is that you have until May 30th to enter your completed quilt to our flickr group! Just think of it as ‘Fashion Week’ for Project QUILTING.
Anyway – how do you win this amazing prize?
Required for ENTRY: All you have to do is leave me a comment telling me why you love quilt challenges. Be sure to include your email in your comment so I can notify you of your prize! If I can’t get a hold of you I will redraw!
If you want to be entered more than once – these are some bonus entry options: You MUST leave a comment for EACH bonus entry option you do.
- subscribe to my newsletter
- Like Project QUILTING on Facebook
- Like PersimonDreams on Facebook
- follow my boards on pinterest
- Repin an item from my ‘Project QUILTING‘ Pinterest board
- follow me on twitter AND tweet about this giveaway
- Leave a comment telling me what you like best from my etsy shop, Persimon Dreams
- Leave a comment telling me what you like best from my etsy shop, The Apple
- Follow AnnieYoungArts Blog (*Our inspiration for this weeks Project QUILTING Challenge) and leave a comment letting me know that you do. *Annie’s also doing a giveaway on her blog – click HERE to find out how to win a print from her!*
That’s it – just let me know why you love quilt challenges for your entry. If you really want my prize and are going for bonus entries – there are nine more opportunities for you to win!
***OPEN to everyone – I will ship internationally!****
The giveaway closes on Friday, February 8th at 5pm PST. Winner will be announced on Saturday, February 9th.
I love the quilt challenges because I am a new quilter and they make me think outside the box and try new things.
My e-mail is ImaParadoxTu@gmail.com
I like challenges because they push you out of your comfort zone. So many of us (myself included) tend to use the same color palettes or the same style (i.e. traditional vs. modern) quilts and we are uncomfortable trying something new. This is a fun way to expand your horizons a bit. Who knows, you just might like it.
I love quilt challenges because they usually take me out of my comfort zone. This is the opportunity to let my creative juices flow and make something happen …
Challenges motivate me and often send me outside the box…plus, they're just plain fun!
I like seeing how everyone interprets the quilt challenges! I'm hoping to join in the fun next winter…
I liked Persimon Dreams on FB
I liked Project Quilting on FB
Challenges makes me actually finish a quilt!
Great giveaway!! I love quilting challenges because they make me think…and learn new techniques.
I liked Project Quilting on FB
The motivation to actually FINISH a project!
I like to have to use my own creativity instead of using someone else's pattern. I actually love doing the math to figure out size of project, blocks, saching/or not, and borders.
I like challenges because we get to see the AMAZING results! New inspiration.~
I love the quilt challenge because they do just that, challenge me. I've always been a "safe" kind of girl, and this year my goal was to step out of my comfort zone and try new things, quilting being just one of those things. Each of these challenge projects has also taught me something about myself and my relationship with others and God. Thank you. My e-mail address is jantzis@ags-schools.org
I like the Kaffe Fassett tumbler quilt…but those tie dye dresses are adorable too.~
It's amazing to see how every interprets the challenge differently.
Marcia sent me!
liked project quilting on facebook
I like challenges because I know the project is not likely to end up as another UFO!!!
I get your newsletter!
I like your wall hanging 'A Quilters Garden!
I like your 'Bike necklace'
I love the quilting challenges because they lead me down paths I might not follow otherwise. Last season I made some things that I really love. Saw a post about this giveaway on Marcia's blog and she said to tell you "Marcia sent me!"
jklmengland at windstream dot net
I subscribed to your newsletter.
jklmengland at windstream dot net
I checked out your Persimon Dreams shop. Even though I am not a fan of purple I really like Patchwork King or Queen Quilt, Blanket, Heirloom, Hand-Dyed, Water Wheel in Purple.
From The Apple shop I like Orbital Earrings – Sage Green, Baby Blue and Smoky Grey Swirls on Icy Clear Hollow Glass Beads with Brass and Peridot Enamel Accents.
jklmengland at windstream dot net
I love challenges because they force me to be creative, get ideas out of my head and into reality AND most importantly finish them!
I'm subscribed to your newsletter (and enjoy it very much), thank you!
Marcia sent me;-) I love challenges because it kicks my creative self in gear.
I already like Project Quilting, in real life and on Facebook!
I now like Persimon Dreams too!
I'm following annieyoungarts blog
I have never done a quilt challenge, but i would think it would keep you motavated and inspired and keep the creative juices flowing. I hope this is the right place to enter your great contest. babscorbitt@gmail.com
i subscribe to your email babscorbitt@gmail.com
I liked project quilting on facebook babscorbitt@gmail.com
I liked persimon dreams on facebook babscorbitt@gmail.com
In your etsy shop, persimon dreams i love the pattern spinning nines babscorbitt@gmail.com
In your etsy shop, the apple, i love the book charm earrings babscorbitt@gmail.com
I follow on pinterest babscorbitt@gmail.com
I love the challenges because they make you stretch yourselve and help improve your skills.
Mostly because they are things I would never do by myself. I get comfortable and although I may think about trying something new, it takes a fun push, excitement, and lots of chatter to get me into the swing. Thanks for providing all that and more.
I follow you. Thanks. bc_hats (at)hotmail (dot)com
I like project quilting because it really pushes me to do some really cool designs.
I follow you on Facebook
I follow Project Quilting on Facebook
I follow you on Pinterest
I am subscribed to your newsletter
I like them because they encourage continuous learning!
In your shop I would say I love the Quilted Patchwork Pillow – Vintage Typewriter Printed Fabric with Hot Pink and Orange Hand Dyes
Love the color mix
Well I didn't know I liked quilting challenges all that much until I joined you here for Project Quilting season 4. Now I realize just how great it is to join in and create and try new things. I love it.
I subscribe to your newsletter
I like you on FB!
I like Project Quilting on FB!
Thanks for the give away! I'm also a follower.
I also follow you on Facebook.
I'm also a follower on Twitter and tweeted this this morning!!
I follow you on Pinterest too
I just subscribed to your newsletter!!
I follow Project Quilting on FB.
I also follow Persimmon Dreams On FB.
Following you on Pinterest too!
I re-pinned three-four of your pins!!
Following Annie's blog – she is soooooo cool!!
I do have a Twitter account, started following you, and tweeted about the contest.
I just checked out your Apple Etsy site – I love your work. When do you sleep?? These are my favorite: Earrings – Crystal Lavendar Purple Swarvoski Crystal Wild Hearts on gold or silver hoops
Love your bubble rompers on your Etsy shop (Persimmon Dreams) To you by any chance buy your rompers at Dharma Trading Co?
Lastly, this is my first quilting challenge. One of my good friends Marcia is an inspiration to me. I decided to try the challenge this time, having the challenge has got me into my sewing room!! Love that part. Thanks.
I like challenges because they encourage me to finish my projects in a timely manner! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
That's were I got them!
This fat quarter bundle inspires me to make a Quilts of Valor quilt. I just love the quilt Marcia created with all the colors of crumb blocks.
I love challenges because they inspire me to try something different and stretch myself! Always a good thing!
Quilting challenges push my creativity beyond my putt putt speed and traditional piecing and colors. I love the beauty and the ugly that happens. Gochefs at Hotmail dot com
I follow project quilting on Facebook.
I am a new follower of persimon dreams on Facebook.
I follow Persimmon Dreams on Facebook
I am subscribed to your newsletter.
I love challenges because they push me to think of something I wouldn't normally do. It's good and it feeds my creativity.
Your etsy store has something for every taste! I love your use of color and the variety.
I love the quilting challenges because it motivates me to get things done. It has also changed some of the ways I look at my fabric. I've only done 2 challenges and both were done with fabric I've had for a very long time. I've always looked at them and just passed them by never knowing what to do with them. Funny but they both inspired my first 2 challenges. I'm so pleased to have not only finished 2 projects I love but, done them using fabrics I would not have other wise ever used.
I liked project Quilting on FB!
I like Persimon Dreams on FB!
I'm am following your boards on Pinterest!
I am following your boards on interest.
I have repinned quilts from your pinterest board!
I have subscribed to your newsletter!
I repinned from the projectbquilting board and was pleasently surprised by the lovely comments on my projects. Thanks for the pins.
I love the table runner done in purple, red and pink strips In your Persimon Dreams esty shop. Love love love it!
I love the bird charm earring with the crystal accents on your Theapple esty shop.
I was at Annie Young's Art this morning and am following her and signed up for her giveaway. Love her art!
I have also been following Annie blog. What an inspiration she is.
I have done about 5 quilt-a-longs, but never a challenge. It will be fun to see what I can dream up, and also what others create as well. I'm not sure if I can actually come up with a design by the deadline, but I'll try.
I also follow Annie!
I love quilting challenges because they motivate me, with a time frame. If I can't meet the time frame it's not so great, but when I do, I feel like a quilting rock star!
I subscribe to your newsletter.
"A Quilter's Garden" is my favorite thing in your shop–it was not easy to choose just one.
I follow Annie Young Art's blog.
My favorite thing in The Apple (and possibly the universe) is your Yellow Smith-Corona Typewriter key rings.
I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted about the giveaway: https://twitter.com/wordygirl11/status/298681056352141312
I love challenges because they stretch my creativity.
I like the fact it challenges you and takes you out of your comfort zone.
I like quilt challenges because it forces me to "think outside the box" and try things I wouldn't have tried otherwise.
Challenges get the brain working!!
I just subscribed to your newsletter.
I have never done a quilt challenge. I have only been quilting for a year but if I win I will have to get up my courage and do it.
I love that there is a commitment involved – it keeps me on track
I am a newsletter subscriber.
I like Project Quilting on Facebook.
I follow your boards on Pinterest.
Repinned a pin from your Project Quilting board.
I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted the giveaway.
I love the Earrings – Russet Brown and Black Swirls on Icy Clear Hollow Glass Beads with Brass Accents from your "The Apple" Etsy shop.
From the Persimon Dreams shop, I love the Quilted table Runner – A Sampler in eggplant purple, turquoise, golden yellow and beige of Flying Geese and Nine Patch Blocks.
I also like Persimon Dreams's page on Facebook.
beckygreene10 (at) gmail (dot) com
This is really the first time I have been in a quilt challenge. I like that it stretches me- gets me to think out of the box!
I subscribe!
I liked Project Quilting on facebook
I liked Persimon Dreams on Facebook
From Persimon Dreams I love the Orphan Batik Quilt Block and Fiber Art Hoop
And I subscribe to your newsletter already.
i just love to quilt!
i get your newsletter
i liked progect quilting on facebook
i have already liked you on facebook
I love quilting/project challenges for the jump start I get to the creative flow!
I like them, because they push me to try things I never would have had the confidence to try on my own!
My favorite item from The Apple are the Silver Puffed Hearts earrings!
I like extra push to complete a project from start to finish…YIPPEE! Something actually all DONE…the creativity factor is also a plus!
I love to think beyond the (many) projects I have in the works.
Pretty fabric. You designed that? Love it
I love quilt challenges because this is one way for me to try a new design and opportunity for me to learn new thing.
I Love quilting challenges because it gives me deadlines
I need deadline to finish projects 
I'm already subscribed to your newsletter, Thanks .
I follow you on pinterest (my name there is Dana Yaari)
I have repinned :
I have followed you on twitter and tweeted about the giveaway:
I loved the Cookbook – Farm Fresh Recipes from Lapacek's Orchard- looks yummy !
From you apple store my favorite is the Bike Necklace
I have subscribed to AnnieYoungArts' blog- loved it!
I love to explore more designs using the fabrics from my stash. That's is why I love the quilt challenge.
I subscribed to the newsletter
Liked Project QUILTING on Facebook
Liked PersimonDreams on Facebook
I follow you on Pinterest
I like this from your shop
I like this from your shop
I subscribe to your newsletter!
Back for a couple more entries, I started following your boards on pinterest!
Just repinned a couple of your pins too, I'm sure those won't be the last!
I have enjoyed the quilt challenges because they have encouraged me to finish projects! And step out of my box!
I subscribe to your newsletter!
I am a friend of Project quilt on facebook!
I am a friend of Persimon Dreams on Facebook
I subscribed to annie young blog! Making a quilt of her photo!
I followed your boards on Pinterest!
I repinned a pin on pinterest
I love stretching myself out of my comfort zone!
I've never been in a quilting challenge, but it sounds really fun! And it would make me accountable to finish something
I subscibed to the newsletter :ksmith8@emich.edu
I follow Kim L persimondreams on Pinterest as karrie smith
I liked PersimonDreams on FB: karrie smith
I liked Project QUILTING on FB : karrie smith
I repinned this from your Project quilting Pinterest board: http://pinterest.com/pin/109564203406539179/
I follow you on Twitter: @karriesmith3 and tweeted here: https://twitter.com/KarrieSmith3/status/299388520370421760
I liked this from Persimon Dreams (as karrie smith)
Heirloom Lap Quilt, throw blanket, Celebration in Florals, Green, Red and Yellow, home decor
I liked this from The Apple: the turquoise owl earrings!
I follow AnnieYoungArts blog: karrie smith. Thanks for the chance to win! I really really want to participate in this contest!
I *like* Persimon Dreams on Facebook!
i like quilting challenges because they motivate me to actually FINISH the things!
i follow annieyoungarts blog!
I also *like* Project Quilting on Facebook.
Sorry for spreading these out, but I thought it might help my chances and I really want to win! I should have a total of 6 entries.
I like quilt challenges because they are fun.
I like Patchwork Lap Quilt, Throw blanket, Heirloom, Hand-Dyed, Sea of Green Mystery from PersimmonDreams etsy shop.
I like Charm Earrings – Giraffe from The Apple etsy shop.
I love challenges b/c I'm competitive and love the inspiration. The deadlines are important part of me completing something! Wish you did this more than once a year!
sharonhuismith at yahoo.com
I like Persimmon Dreams on FB!
sharonhuismith at yahoo.com
I liked Project Quilting on FB!
sharonhuismith at yahoo dot com
I follow you on Pinterest
sharonhuismith at yahoo.com
I repinned a Project Quilting Pin on Pinterest
sharonhuismith at yahoo.com
I still loveyour Bicycle race Convergence quilt!
sharonhuismith at yahoo.com
I follow Annie Young! Thank you SO much for introducing her to us!
sharonhuismith at yahoo.com
Wow! Where DO you find the TIME to make all this stuff????!
LOVE thie bike necklace! very cool!
sharonhuismith at yahoo.com
I like seeing all the different approaches and solutions to the challenges!
I love challenges because they push me to step outside my comfort zone, try new techniques and designs, and also show an amazing breadth of designs from other quilters.
I like challenges because they create an opportunity to learn and experiment. Perhaps the best part is that they are very liberating. Quilt for the sake of quilting without worry about the intended purpose or intended recipient.
I love challenges, because they make me think and be more creative. There also a lot of fun.
I follow you on pinterest. (craftnlady)
I repinned one of your pins.
I liked Project Quilting on facebook.
I liked PersimonDreams of facebook.
I subscribed to your newsletter.
My favorite item in your etsy shop PersimonDreams is your Wall art- A quilters Garden.
My favorite thing in you etsy shp the Apple is Hemalyke Beaded and Wire Wrapped Bracelet.
I'm a fan of Project Quilting on Facebook (Julia Bruhn)
I am following AnnieYoungArts blog
My favourite item from your Persimon Dreams Etsy Shop is the Matryoshka Doll with Green Polka dotted Scarf
I like Quilting Challenges because they make me try new things, and stuff I porbably wouldn't have done else.
I follow you on twitter and retweeted your giveaway. (craftnlady)
My favourite item from The Apple on Etsy is:
Earrings – Frosty Matte Plum Purple Hollow Glass Beads with Brass Accents
I'm already a follower of Annie's blog
Joining Project Quilting challenges have forced me to grow! I will continue doing challenges forever! I've already weeks ago liked your FB pages and subscribed to your newsletter!
I love doing Project Quilting challenges because it gives me a direction to push myself in to try something new.
I like Project Quilting on Facebook.
Repinned a project!
The project quilting challenges have really made me stretch my creative talents; perhaps made me even moore so because I would not normally have ever gone there! Love them!
[…] everyone! Are you enjoying your weekend? I said I would post the winner of the Project QUILTING Fat Quarter Bundle and I am doing it! It’s a bit later than normal because I was up in Oshkosh at a sale […]