I had a lot of fun with my new ‘Fish Eye’ lens add on with the girls today! I got a decent camera in 2012 during apple season. Another goal for 2013 is to learn how to use my camera with more than just auto mode. I have some great lenses for it too – lots to learn! But hopefully that will mean a more beautiful blog for you all to enjoy!
I tried to get one of them hugging…Pip always seems to move before I can get in the right spot… the other morning Cedi yelled out, “Mama! All three sisters HUGGED at the SAME time!”
And here is my last self portrait of 2012!
On my ‘to do list’ for this week is pick my favorite pictures of 2012 and make the grandparents and myself of photo book of the girls. I always wait until now because when I’m too close to the time of the pictures I tend to want to print them all…I’m sure you’ve noticed that, especially in the post above…
Happy New Years Eve from the Lapacek girls (and bear)!
QUESTION: Do you like seeing the ‘fish eye’ circle or would you rather of me edited it out?
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