I am not a goal setter. I know – that’s terrible! I just have this thing about goals. I don’t like setting them because I don’t like not reaching them. Such a cop out. I am going to set a few goals for 2013 though…and hopefully I don’t disappoint myself.
Good Luck Charm 2013 from pitsispopsis
- Love and support my children through it all and teach them to find joy in even the smallest things.
- Do more around the house to help Jared out – ie, plan meals ahead and do one cleaning task a day.
- Prepare my blog posts the night before so I can post in the mornings instead of right before I go to bed. (PS. I’m currently writing this on 12/31 and I don’t plan to post until tomorrow morning)
- Improve drastically with my ‘long’ arm machine.
- Learn how to use more than just ‘auto’ on my new camera
- Continue with my lifestyle change (eat healthy and exercise) and embrace it. Always looking for yummy healthy recipes! **hint, hint***
- Keep working to build my name and reputation in the quilting community. I’m going to be famous someday you know 😉 *wink*
This was starting to become a ‘to do’ list so I think I’ll just leave you with these. Maybe I’ll share my ‘to do list’ another time!
I hope everyone reading this had a great New Years Eve! We didn’t make plans this year as we typically have to cancel them since someone (or everyone) is usually sick. Turns out if you don’t make plans no one gets sick! We had a great time dancing around the living room and then a movie night! I let the girls stay up as long as they could as long as they behaved! Cedi made it until midnight! We’ll see how today goes…oh well – just happens once a year.
Happy 2013 everyone!
PS. I’m up early to post this AND because I need to eat some food before I head to the gym for an 8:10 class, goal #6.
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