These are small blocks so they’re a great way to use up your scraps. My scrappy stars are just six 2.5” squares in each color way.
My scrappy beige background just needs squares that are 4”x4”, 2.5” x 4” and 2.5” x 2.5”.
All the stars I have done so far are 6 of the same color in each color way but I do plan on some of the stars being even scrappier – using fabrics that are similar but maybe not quite the same.
My plan is to do scrappy beige backgrounds with contrasting colored stars. Different than what the tutorial shows – but hey, when have ever tried to be normal?
I know it doesn’t look like much but I have six stars done so far! I’m not sure what my end goal is but I’ll figure it out.
See how everyone’s progressing by visiting the flickr group. You should join in the fun! Amy gives you options as small as a table runner all the way up to a queen size quilt if you’re feeling ambitious!
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