Happy Snow Day everyone! Below is a photo I took of our back deck this morning! I hope everyone enjoys the snow today and doesn’t have to drive in it! I had a different blog post planned for today but the snow trumped it – I may get to it later though.
My plans – put away clothes – both in closets and in boxes for those that don’t fit anymore, get some cooking/baking done for the upcoming holiday festivities, and hmmm…maybe a nap. Jared is heading outside to make the girls a sled and snowboard hill (yes, Uncle Brian got Cedi a snowboard for her birthday…she’s itching to try it out), work on the new addition to the shed (pictures coming soon), and help me get the house cleaned up for the holidays. For tonight – finish wrapping presents!
Once all this is done I can focus on picking up my craft area/sewing room. I like to do this between Christmas and New Years since all the Christmas gifts are made and I usually have some time where nothing HAS to get done! Instead of ‘Spring Cleaning’ I do a ‘winter cleaning’. What time of year do you take a break and reorganize?
I’m making chili for a holiday get together tomorrow. Then, for the rest of the celebrations I’m in charge of appetizers and juice for one. I’m going to make a new cheese dip I just had on Monday, yummy chicken wings, and of course, pickle rolls!
What food do you make or do you look forward to during the holiday season?I had to add the ‘back deck update’ picture. Taken around 3:30pm. We’ve gotten ‘a little’ snow today.
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