My husbands’ cousin is in the process of opening a winery in Poynette. My girls ADORE Shaun and he equally adores them. I saw something on Pinterest earlier this year and knew we had to do it. So, on Sunday night, I stripped the girls down, covered the floor with paper and gave them paint, canvases, and wine corks. The girls made Shaun some wine cork paintings – hopefully for his new shop scheduled to open in the Summer of 2013.
Pip’s the only one that let me take her picture.
She had a lot of fun with the paint but had to learn the hard way that you shouldn’t put it in your mouth…
Seriously!? Doesn’t this look cool?
All three girls had a great time making the paintings. I had them each do three mini canvases and I think they’ll make a perfect 9 patch grid wall hanging.
Here are the 9 finished canvases. The upper row was done by Capri. the middle row by Pip and the bottom row by Cedi.
And of course – they had to use ALL the wine corks! I can’t wait to see what Shaun thinks!
It definitely made me realize that next year I’m just going to prep a lot of canvases and let the girls paint pictures for everyone! I know I would love to get one of their paintings.
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