Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I want to wish you and your family a wonderful day!
I’m hosting my very first Thanksgiving this year. The turkey and the ham (I don’t like turkey) are in the roaster ovens cooking right now. I made the buns on Tuesday and just need to heat them up before we eat and the potatoes are ready to be put in the oven just before we eat. My parents are relaxing on a cruise to Hawaii right now (yes – I’m super jealous!) and my in-laws are coming over. I put my mother-in-law in charge of pie, a veggie, and the stuffing (I also don’t like stuffing). My brother is also joining us and he stocked us up nicely on wine. I think it’s going to be a wonderful, tummy filled afternoon.
My grandmother passed away earlier this year and it’s going to be strange not having her around at the holidays. One of the things we all remember about my Grandma is her cooking. No matter when you went to her house for a visit she was always trying to feed you. I’ve been collecting recipes from my cousins and aunts and uncles to put together a family cookbook for the Holiday’s. Since I’m collecting them I am lucky enough to already have them in my possession! I used her bun recipe and made my very first homemade buns (and I think they worked!), her sour cream potatoes, and her pistachio fluff salad (aka Green Clouds) for us to enjoy at our table. I’m so thankful that we have these written down – every time I make them I’m going to remember my Grandma. And I swear – she had to be helping me for me to have some edible (if not delicious) buns this year!
There is so much for me to be thankful for this year! I’ll just start a list for you
My incredible daughters – they are happy, healthy, and give me joy each and every day. Even when I’m sad or cranky – they always do something that make me smile.
My amazing supportive husband – seriously, he puts up with me and loves me for all my craziness. I couldn’t accomplish all I do without him. We’ve been together for 10 years and married 7. I look at him with more love each day.
As Jared says at the dinner table every night, “Good Food”.
And of course – you! All of my readers and supporters! You make me want to get to the computer and share things that have happened to me, what I’ve learned, or exciting news!
I would love to hear what you are thankful for this year!
Uncle Brian came for Thanksgiving and won’t be here for Cedi’s birthday next week so he gave her early birthday gifts. Not only did he give her a Hello Kitty Headband maker, a telescope but also her very first snowboard! I just want to point out that gross stache on my brother’s face is because he’s raising money in the Movember fundraiser for Men’s Health. You can donate to support him by going here: http://us.movember.com/mospace/5455697/. Thank goodness he can shave it off on December 1st once he finishes a 5K.
I think Pip’s going to be a snowboarder too…
With that – Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Have a wonderful day of family, friends, food and celebration!
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