I hope you are all ready for a picture show. Today was the first day of school for TWO of my girls. Cedi had her first day of Kindergarten and Capri had her first day in 4K. Reports after school from first – Great!
Of course – the weather didn’t cooperate for ‘no coat’ pictures so we had to do a few in the housel
I love how backpacks are just so HUGE on little ones! Although Cedi’s starting to fit into hers much better this year!
Capri is wearing the Cinderella Patchwork Dress with the White Petticoat from The Measure. I am so in love with this dress!
And Capri is too! “It’s a great twirler mom!”
Cedi…my little model is wearing Genevieve Drop Waist Dress from The Measure. It is the perfect dress for her! And yes – she loves to pose for me 🙂
She did learn today that if she’s going to wear a dress to school – she needs to wear shorts under it. She told me she wasn’t going to play on the monkey bars…turns out that’s not possible for this little monkey and she needs to put some shorts on next time…
Here we are – waiting for the bus at the time indicated on the sheet the bus company sent to us.
So we waited…
and waited..
and waited…
and danced a little…
and finally…the bus!
about 25 minutes later than the sent home sheet said, the bus finally pulled up.
I barely got this shot in as the girls were in a hurry to get loaded and finally see their friends and start school..
and as the bus pulled away…a few proud mommy tears rolled down my cheeks…
they’re just getting so big…way too fast.
I was so happy to have Pip for some squeezes when my big girls were gone.
How sweet! I am so not ready for pictures like this in my house, luckily I have a few years to wait!