Happy Monday everyone! Did you all have a great weekend? My family had a really amazing weekend and I’m sort of sad to even be starting the new week. Oh well – we have lots of fun things planned again this week…just hope the girls are as well behaved as they were!
Anyway – I’ll start today with one fun thing! My original block ‘Presents Under the Tree’ is the block for the ‘Rowan and Free Spirit Christmas in July Block-a-ton’ today!
You need to head over to the Free Spirit Blog to find the directions on how to make it yourself!
Here’s my block in the crazier fabrics I chose to use for my quilt.
I really loved the modern feel of my block and I recently promised to make my brother a quilt. His favorite color is white. Anyone that knows me or follows my blog knows that white really isn’t my thing. BUT I love my brother so I figured I would figure it out. I decided to use the block that I designed for this quilt along and tweak it to make it work for my brother’s quilt. He also wanted cool colors so above is the first block that I created. I’ll be sure to keep you all posted as his quilt progresses. Wish me luck with white!
Enough of that! It’s time to announce the giveaway!
GIVEAWAY: Dena Designs ‘Pretty Little Things’ Charm Pack
Free Spirit has been kind enough to let me giveaway this adorable Dena Designs ‘Pretty Little Things’ Charm Pack .
To enter to win this fantastic charm pack (International Entries Welcome) all you have to do is tell me what you like and/or dislike about quilt alongs (I personally LOVE them). If you are doing any quilt alongs I would love to hear what they are too! Make sure I have your email address so I can reach you! If I can’t reach you…no prize!
***For EXTRA Entries **** Leave a comment for EACH of the ‘extra’ things you do for your extra chances to win. They must each be separate comments.
1. Sign up for my newsletter HERE.
2. ‘Like’ Persimon Dreams on Facebook HERE.
3. Pin an item from my etsy shop, Persimon Dreams, on Pinterest. be sure to tag #PersimonDreams and let me know which item you chose.
4. Pin an item from my etsy shop, theApple, on Pinterest. Be sure to tag #Persimon Dreams and let me know which item you chose.
5. Blog about the giveaway and tell everyone about this great Block-A-Thon. Leave a link to your post in your comment.
6. Tweet about my giveaway and with hash tag #PDGiveaway
SEVEN Chances! Good luck!
I will choose and announce the winner on Monday, July 23rd.
Before I leave you I just wanted to show off my progress on the Block-a-thon thus far. Here are my first seven blocks.
This is going to be one crazy looking quilt!
And don’t forget – it’s not too late to join in the fun!
Blog Hop Schedule:
July 2th – Heather at Fiberosity
July 5nd – Pat Sloan
July 6th – Melanie at Melanie Dramatic
July 9th – Pam at Pam Kitty Morning
July 11th – Kelsey at Kelsey Creates
July 13th – Katie at Swim Bike Quilt
July 16th – Kim at Persimon Dreams
July 18th – Amanda at Sasikirana
July 20th – Jane at QuiltJane
July 23th – Kristy at St Louis Folk Victorian
July 25th – Kimberly at Fat Quarter Shop
July 27th – Lee at Freshly Pieced
July 30th – Jennifer at MJ and Co
August 1st – Mishka at Quilting Gallery
August 3rd – Tiffiny at Free Patchwork Quilt Info
August 6th – Tacha at Fat Quarterly
August 8th – Megan at Canoe Ridge Creations
August 10th – Jocelyn at It’s Sew Emma
August 13th – Final Quilt Reveal!
I have only done 1 QAL and I loved it, I think what I loved best is not having to do any tutorials for it and just getting to sew! And today Jenna from SewHappyGeek and I just launched our own QAL 🙂
I already get your newsletter 🙂
I like you on FB
I tweeted @CraftyMamaD
I LOVE QAL and bees!!
I'm getting ready to start the Tetris QAL over at Happy Quilting. I'm also debating doing the Mario QAl over at Cut To Pieces.
Both of them remind me of my childhood. Oh, when life was easier. 🙂
YEAH! I love them! I'll stop by later and do my best to follow along (squeeze it in) 🙂
Thanks for the info on more QAL's…I'm super addicted!
would love to win fabric of course! my current quilt along is just takes 2, 2 colors only, i chose brown repros and musin. i love them as they are usually a challenge for me though often i find the challenge is in keeping up!
I get super annoyed at quilt-a-longs. I never want to work on the project I"m 'supposed' to be working on–then I feel guilty. I usually have 10 things going at once, so I can pick whatever I feel like.
I am participating in a Civil War quilt-along and find that the feeling of being part of a group is keeping me "on task", which is a very good thing.
I'm a newsletter subscriber, from back in your Crafty Apple days and now in your Persimon Dreams incarnation.
i've worked a mystery quilt along, my first quiltalong! while i enjoyed it tremdously, i learned one thing: do not do a mystery quilt along without knowing how the colors are going to be worked! i changed all the secodary block with a new batch of blocks with the colors changed around. i enjoyed it for the sharing, competiveness and out and out fun of participating.
i have signed up for your newsletter 🙂
i've liked your fb page; will follow!
I like them, because I get to learn new skills with a group – but luckily I have enough free time that I usually don't fee like I'm falling behind!
In general I like QALs though they generally have a faster pace than I like for blocks and it's a struggle for me to keep up. I'm not doing one right now as want to finish my grandniece's baby quilt BEFORE she turns one next month. There are about six that I want to do, but alas, time is not on my side.
I like them and they help me understand better. I tend to get confused and then stuck on a step and quit the project.
QAL – have done several and they are fun – on the negative side, sometimes they move too fast and I cannot keep up – not in one as have some quilts to finish for birthdays soon – I like your freespirit blocks as really showcase the fabric designs.
We liked you on FB as Margaret and Marcia mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
We lost power in the middle of posting the first comment, I didn't see it, and posted new. Now it looks like both comments were posted for moderation – yet I do not see a way to delete one. I apologize for the inconvenience of the extra comment – during moderation perhaps you can delete one of those.
I'm in my first two QALs. The Beginners QAL and the Sunset and Vine….oops…forgot that i'm also doing one on In Color Order. Having a ball!
yeah! Thanks for following the transition 🙂
two comments are just fine 🙂 You did two of the things! Thanks for entering!
My favorite thing about quilt blogs are the tutorials. I've essentially learned how to quilt from online tutorials. Love them. Thanks for sharing this giveaway with us and the cute block too.
I have not participated in a quilt a long but sure do like yours. This is the first time I've been on your Blog and have enjoyed reading it.
I'm signed up for my first ever QAL. I'll let you know when it's done what I liked & didn't! LOL (I must admit I'm both excited and nervous I won't be able to keep up!)
LOL Apparently I'm so excited I forgot to mention the QAL I signed up for–the Totally Groovy Quiltalong with Pile O' Fabric!
I liked you on FB.
Thanks so much for stopping by and I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed yourself! Hope you stop by again soon!
I've never done a QAL, but I try to follow online. I'm afraid I would forget where to go for the next block!
I love all of the wonderful creative ideas and the great tutorials of quilt-alongs!
I really enjoy watching quilt alongs but I just do not like the time crunch for them. My life is crazy and I cannot set quilting deadlines; quilting in my life has to be reserved for extra moments.
But if things were different, I might enjoy them!
i like you on fb, I get your newsletter and a few other things there, but I am only going to do this one more entry as we are keeping a close vigil to give the mailman a bottle of cold water. He should be almost here!
Ps, your block is crazy fun!
that's so sweet of you! I hope you don't miss him!
I just signed up for your newsletter!
Great block!!
I love sew alongs because you get to see what ONE BLOCK can look like in a hundred different colours/fabrics and see how people interpret it their own way. I would have never thought to do a dark background like you have done so now I can visualize it and be brave to do it that way myself. And I love the encouragement people give too.
Yeah! I hope you do try it a different way! I have such a hard time following the crowd…but sometimes I think I probably should…
QAL are great because of how unique they are!!!!
I love quilt alongs! Sometimes I wish I could work ahead so having to wait for instructions can try my patience sometimes!
i've never done one.. i am new to quilting! i love the idea though, and peeking at different interpretations that others are doing during quilt a longs!
I have never joined any quilt along because i dont quilt but it sounds really fun:)
I'd liked you on fb
I’ve never participated in QALs, I am new 🙁
I'm a newbie quilter, so haven't joined any quilt-a-longs yet. And right now I'm too busy to join… Maybe come late fall or this winter I will join one. Thanks for a chance to win! 🙂
I already like you on fb! 🙂
I tweeted…
I'm already signed up for the newsletter! 🙂
I like quilt a longs. I learn so much that I didnt know and new things are always coming up, other than quilts.
Right now I am following Christmas in July from Want It Need It and Dont Call Me Betsey
I follow you via email
i already get your newsletter
i am new so hav't joined any thing but i would most likely love it
I have enjoyed the Modern Solids Quilt Along by Patchwork Squared and now I am anjoying myself with this Block-A-Thon going on now. You have the neatest block. Thank for giving us a chance to win and letting us make your block for ourselves.
Sandi T.
Quilt alongs make me feel so competitive! I don't like feeling like I;m competing with my fellow crafters!
I already receive your newsletter.
I liked you on FB and left a comment.
I love quilt alongs. The thing I like best is you can start and stop any time you want/need to and you can try new techniques. I am currently taking part in the Tetris quilt along and the Great granny quilt along,
I pinned your hand dyed dresses. I love the colors.
I have only done or should say am doing one QAL. My only problem seems to be finding time to sew. I just need to get a lock on my sewing room. And maybe sound proof it so I can't hear my name being called. hehe.
Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win.
I'm already receiving your newsletter.
Thanks again for a chance to win.
I already follow you on FB.
Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win some fabric.
I love quilt a-longs. However, sometimes I just can't keep up with them. That's my only qualm with qal, the time frames sometimes. argh!
I tweeted (and RTed) about your giveaway. (@usairdoll)
Thanks again for a chance to win.
I'm all signed up for your newsletter.
I'm in 'Like' with you on FB
…tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet…
Im a newbie to quilting so I have never joined quilt alongs, I'm so new I start classes this friday and Im so exicited!!!!!!
best of luck! I hope you fall in love!
I think QAL's are cool. I've never done one yet, but if I had the money I would probably be into it.
I signed up for your newsletter
3 i chose this from persimon's dreams and pinned it:http://pinterest.com/pin/109564203405266749/
4. i pinned this bracelet from theApple: http://pinterest.com/pin/109564203405266764/
Have never participated in a quilt along ( bucket list!)Lol. Someday when not working full time at and away from home! Thank you for the opportunity to wIn! Love your block! Nurse Payne
I now follow you on FB 🙂
I like the surprise of quilt-a-longs, not really knowing what you are going to do. But I dislike that I never have enough time to start them all, but that may be something to do with being a working mum of 3 small children! Like the block 🙂
I've signed up for your newsletter 🙂
I have taken part in many quilt-a-longs, and I love them! It's so much fun to see all the different interpretations of the same patterns– each participants personality really shines through! Quilt-alongs also have encouraged me to try new blocks or techniques! Thank you for the chance to win some Pretty Little Things! 🙂
I like Persimmon Dreams on Facebook! Thanks so much for the extra entries! 🙂
I am now signed up for your newsletter– thanks again!
I love QAL's – even if I don't always get to the finish line!
I signed up for your newsletter!
The only thing I don't like about quilt a-longs is that I don't have time to do them. I've started two or three in the past and haven't managed to get past a couple of blocks on any of them.
I have no idea what a quilt along is! This is the first I've heard of it. LOL BUT I liked your quilt block and that quilt you have is certainly going to be a crazy one… it certainly will not be boring!
I'll tweet your blog if you tweet mine 🙂 and I'll pin something from one of your shops too….will you reciprocate? Also could you pay a visit to my spoon flower site. I'd love to know what you think of it. 🙂 http://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/art_on_fabric?filter_action=recent&info_action=&nav_action=all&shop_selection=all_recent&sub_action=new_profile
Your spoonflower sight is awesome! LOVE how you're putting your art onto fabric! That's sort of what I am doing with some of my spoonflower…photo's of my art quilts…