Happy Fourth of July everyone! I hope you are enjoying the holiday.
I have to admit – we’re not doing too much to celebrate the holiday here. It is HOT outside and when I say HOT I mean HOT. Right now, at 4:52PM my thermometer is reading 102.6 degrees. Have I mentioned that I live in Wisconsin?! Today is the first fourth of July over 100 degrees on record! It’s also been seriously DRY in our area – our orchard got 3 tenths of an inch in June. Dry = no fireworks 🙁
Honestly – even if there were fireworks in our area I doubt I’d bring my girls out in this heat – unless we were heading to the pool! Which is exactly what we did this morning. We headed to my gym, which also happens to have a pool and water park and we went swimming. Cedi and Capri LOVED it and swam for the entire time we were there. Pip – was not the biggest fan (even though she looked super cute in her little bikini), which I suspected since she doesn’t really like her bath’s. I’m not sure what to do with a baby who doesn’t like water since my other two were little fish from day one but we slowly did some bobbing in and out of the water and eventually I held her close to me with the water over her belly. It seemed to work okay. As a plus, I got to snuggle with her in the water for over an hour – which would never happen in the ‘real world’. I think I’m going to have to take her all the time!
I didn’t get any work done today. Pip was up super early and we were up late so I’ve been pretty zombie like today. Oh well – maybe I’ll get a little quilting done tonight.
I did just discover the South Central Wisconsin Quilt Shop Association Shop Hop website. The shop hop is happening from July 20th through the 28th. I’m going to be up north for a few days of it and getting ready for the Summer Craftacular for the rest of the time but maybe the girls and I will take a day and go for a drive…could be fun.
Before I go and enjoy the rest of my Bud Light Lime-A-Rita (super good btw – a bit too good probably…) I am going to selflessly promote one of my patriotic items in my etsy shop. I’ll be showing this off a bit more in a future post as it’s one of my long arm quilted items but for now – here’s a sneak peak at my Quilted Patriotic Table Topper.
Happy 4th of July everyone!
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