I’ve been admiring amazing fabric teepees online for awhile now. I was super excited to see that one of my sponsors, Spice Berry Cottage, had a pattern for an adorable one in her shop.
I immediately went and orders lots of yards of laminated cotton for my teepee making. So far, I’ve only used some old curtains to make my first one…
I think it worked really well!
I’m going to use laminated cotton for the rest because I know I don’t want to have worry about always setting up the teepee outside when my kids want to use it. This way they will be able to handle at least ‘some’ rain without ruining them.
Jared made me some posts out of some wood laying around. He’s going to get me PVC so I have some to sell at the orchard this fall that are either indoor or outdoor. Now I have to make some with my ‘cooler’ fabric. I’ll keep you posted!
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