Happy Monday! I’m sorry I’m so late getting this posted! I have a BIG SALE coming up on Sunday that I’m getting ready for and of course – Apple Season is creeping up on us fast than normal so there’s a lot to get done with that. Always something right? Well..I’m not going to make you wait any longer…
Free Spirit has been kind enough to let me giveaway this adorable Dena Designs ‘Pretty Little Things’Charm Pack .
72 comments were made for the giveaway so it’s time for me to head over to random.org and put 72 into the random generator:
Commenter #2 is the winner…so….that means…
Melissa / July 16, 2012 (Edit)
I already get your newsletter
Congratulations Melissa! You should hear from me soon so I can get your info for your prize!
Thank you so much Kim! I am so excited!