In the last ‘Adventure’ post I left you trying to figure out if you could see anything wrong with the picture to the left. A couple of people figured it out – do you see it yet? Here’s a picture of my machine working really well – because I had the quilt loaded properly! When I first set up my poles I had them turning the wrong direction which wasn’t creating a flat surface for quilting. Once Miriam helped me out in switching the poles around it was AMAZING how well my quilting went.
I don’t have a picture of my first panel completed – the thread color I chose was really hard to see on it… BUT here is my second project…
I quilted a patriotic panel. The panel had two flags on it and I did a star-y meandering pattern on it. I was actually really impressed with the quilting I did on it. BUT I didn’t have the panel pinned on very straight and when I tried to square it off for cutting…it was definitely not straight. In hind-sight I should have made the entire flag ‘wonky’ so you would notice the two edges…Oh well – next time!
Which lead me to my third project. I quilted this fabulous tree panel. It went REALLY well. My favorite part about my Janome 1600P is that it’s a simple machine with not a lot of bells and whistles so once you figure it out – you can pretty much just go with it.
I even did a feather! or two…some look better than others..
And here I forgot that I was doing this design just in the bottom striped area…oh, well – it still works by the tree…
I did more playing in the bottom area with a sort of ‘McTavishing’ (which I know is not perfect yet and I still need LOTS of practice on) and some pebbles.
I already have more ‘lessons learned’ to share with you in my next post so stop by again to learn about my latest ‘Adventures in Quilting’.
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