above photo’s by Friends in Photogrpahy Okay, okay – so I’m a lot late on this post. But there just so many pictures to go through and edit! We had such a great day for Pip’s first birthday! One year ago on her birthday – we looked like this:
and here she is today…
On my babies birthday’s I tend to reminisce about their birth story. If you missed Pip’s – you can read it HERE.
We had a wonderful celebration at home for Pip’s Birthday. The weather was pretty rainy so I’m glad we didn’t have any major plans. Grandma and Grandpa Van came to celebrate during the day and we all wore our birthday hats!
Pip had no idea what to do to blow out her candle – she’ll get the hang of it by next year.
The day before Cedi and Capri had helped me make her birthday cake. They’ve decided that Pip’s favorite color is red – don’t ask. So, we tried to dye the cake red and orange (girls’ choice). It sort of worked…)
Pip enjoyed her cake!
For dinner her Great Grandma Lapacek, Grandma Lapacek, Grandpa Lapacek, her godparents – Kim & Lee, cousin Shaun and Denise came to celebrate. Grandma had made a ‘sacrificial’ cake just for Pip to enjoy. So, we stripped her down, put a table cloth on the table and put the cake in front of her. It took her a bit to figure out what to do…
but before too long – she was enjoying her very own cake.
After all that sugar – there’s nothing like a cold beer on Grandma’s lap.
And since two cakes weren’t enough – we also had to have a delicious ice cream cake – YUMMY!
Here’s Pip hanging out with her Godparents – Lee and Kim.
When it’s either Cedi and Capri’s birthday they always have a hard time dealing with all the gifts the other one was getting. I was really proud with how they handled Pip’s birthday. They were truly excited for her and tried to make the day as special as possible for her – it was really sweet. A few days after Pip turned one we headed to the doctor for her well baby visit. Here are her stats: Height: 30” (78.5%) – same as Capri and three quarters of an inch taller than Cedi Weight: 21 lb 10 oz (59.87%) – 1lb 2 oz heavier than Capri and almost 3 lbs heavier than Cedi!
Who is Pip most like? I would say that she’s a wonderful mix of both girls. She is independent like Cedi, but does let us hold her when she’s tired or in the mood to snuggle. She’s sweet like Capri and gives us wonderful smiles, hugs and sloppy, open mouth kisses! I’m guessing I have another stubborn kiddo but I do have hope that she’ll be more mellow like Jared. Her toothy smile makes everyone’s heart melt and her crazy hair do makes everyone smile. Pip will patiently hang out in her stroller, feet up, while we get work done around the farm. She loves to sit and watch her sisters playing and if she does get bored her sisters love to push her around the driveway. She’s walking so well now that it won’t be long until she’s right there in the midst of it all with them! We are so lucky to have such a wonderful sweet little Persimoni. I can’t wait to see what the next 12 months brings to us with her!
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