Happy Day before Valentine’s Day everyone! If you’re still looking for gift ideas be sure to check out my post from earlier today. Before I get to the first closer look of the quilts made for the Tool Time Challenge. I want to remind everyone that we have a ‘Project QUILTING Critique’ group now too. Since I don’t have judging and personal critiques this season you can add your piece to this group. Here – people are encouraged to critique your piece – the good and the bad. We want to know what you like about our quilt, what you don’t like, what you may have done differently or if you have a technique that would have worked better! Here they are: 1. close up ‘Quilter’s Garden’ Project QUILTING Season 3, Challenge 3, 2. tool-chatelaine, 3. Happy Times – Close up of spool, 4. Dream Big – Project Quilting challenge #3, 5. Project Quilting Week 3- Tools, 6. Paths of Life Quilt Created with fd’s Flickr Toys Thanks for taking a little time to help make us better quilters (or to let us know we already are perfect! LOL)!
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