1. Sewing Day, 2. Coat of Arms, 3. IMG_0164, 4. A Quilter’s Mug Rug Created with fd’s Flickr Toys
It’s time to start taking a closer look at the projects created this past week. Yeah! I’m excited to share with you these fabulous creations!
Quilter: Nancy’s Unique Boutique
Sewing Day
This is my project for the tool time challenge. I titled it Sewing day. It is a mini quilt for the box of chocolates that is attached to the top so it looks more 3D. The tape measure, thread spool, needle, rotary cutter, iron are all fused and the square of fabric is appliqué. I used a Pentel Fabric Pen to draw on the details for the tape measure, iron, and thread. I also used the fabric for the background that had quilt block names on it as a nod to the traditional quilting. I love that this was a quick fun project that I just drew up and made in a few hours without over thinking it. I chose these tools to represent that you start with inspiration – chocolate of course! – and then great fabric then use tools to measure and cut and sew and I threw in the iron because I just love to press the heck out of things. This was made in DeKalb, IL also size is 8-1/2 x 11
Quilter: SewLizz
Coat of Arms
Project Quilting #3-3 Tool Time
I went with the tools of my trade! Spools of variegated threads, scissors and rippers, needles and pins. If the bobbins are mistaken for film reels that’s OK. I seldom sew without old movies to keep me company. This piece took me several episodes of NCIS and Ironman 1 & 2!! It is fused and partly hand quilted and embellished with buttons and beads for pinheads and twill "measuring" tape. 22"x 26"
-Lizz Ploppert, Sycamore, IL
Quilter: JKGoldman
Roses For My Valentine
Created in Washington, IL When I saw that the theme for this week was tools, I immediately thought of a ruler that I had recently purchased. It is for making Dresden Plates. This was my chance to try it out. Works great, by the way. I thought about the tools that we as quilters take for granted. The cutting mat, rotary cutter, iron, sewing machine, even the needles we use for hand stitching are our tools. In addition to my new ruler, I used all of these tools. I machine pieced, free motion quilted, did hand embroidery and even used a little tool to cover the black button. This weeks project made me think of ancestors making their quilts with perhaps dull scissors, irons that had to heat on the stove and fabric that might have already been used for clothing. We are so lucky. Thank you for this theme, it really made me think.
Quilter: SweetDreamsbySarah
A Quilter’s Mug Rug
Hi! I’m Sarah, and I’m a quilter in Chandler, AZ! After FINALLY getting my machine back from the shop, I decided to do some quilting that let me do a little free motion work, since I haven’t been able to for months! Since time was short, I went with a mug rug, and used some of my favorite quilting tools as inspiration. I appliquéd the rotary blade, thimble, spool of thread, and tomato in a purposefully rough and rustic way. The upper half of the mug rug is quilted in a yellow grid, just like my favorite ruler! (In hindsight, I wish I’d used a brighter yellow thread to make it stand out, but cest la vie…). The mug rug comes in at 5" by 10", and will likely go into my Etsy shop, or find a home in my sewing room! More ‘Closer Looks’ will be coming tomorrow! Have you been following with my ‘Quilt-A-Long’? The seventh block is SUPER cute! It’s not too late to join in the fun (in fact…it will never be too late!)
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