Christmas Toes!
Well – we made it through Christmas healthy but we’ve all come down with Pink Eye and colds since (except Papa). So – it’s been a lazy, uneventful week as we all just try to get healthy. This post is mostly going to be a slide show of some pictures I got during our different holiday celebrations…enjoy! Mouse Mask from Mahalo Pig Mask from Mahalo The girls and I in our masks from Mahalo (I had to wear Pips) Pips godparents may have spoiled the girls with toys this year. I have to admit though – they have already had HOURS of fun with their new kitchen set, food, and other toys (thanks Kim, Lee & Shaun!) Shaun and I assembled the girls’ new kitchen – it’s amazing! I’ll have to do an entire blog post on it sometime so I can tell you about Cedi’s world famous restaurant that she runs now – “The World Buffet” is what she named it… “Hmmm…what do I do with this?” “Maybe if I suck on it I can see what’s inside…” Cedi just tore through her presents from Santa. I think she may have been slightly desensitized to presents after the 8+ celebrations we’d had over the last few weeks… I was so excited for santa to come that I was up a good hour before the kids were! I decided to bake a birthday cake for Jesus – a tradition my Grandma Van used to do every year – I think it’s time to bring it back!So, my cousin Paul isn’t really into kids but he really got into holding Pip. So cute! On the other hand, his brother Scott LOVES kdis – and boy to my kids love him. Cedi even cried when she found out he was getting married! Six of the nine grandkids sporting their Packer gear (the babies weren’t in this photo). I think it helped the Packer’s kick some butt that night! The girls all on one of their ‘bikes’. I have to say the girls got A LOT for Christmas this year. Probably too much. But I also have to say – they have spent HOURS playing without me by there side, imagining, creating, and enjoying their things. Sure – we’ve been under the weather this week – but we haven’t been bored. PS. Pip figured out how to use her knees in her crawling motion today – it’s official – we have a crawler!
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