Photo courtesy of Friends in Photography
My beautiful, sweet Persimoni Mae. I can hardly believe that you are already 6 months! I can’t believe that a year ago you were still growing in my belly and I could only dream of how amazing you’d be.
Photo courtesy of Friends in Photography
You did not disappoint! You are still such an amazing little baby. You cry when tired or hungry…that’s pretty much it. I think you’re probably teething a bit so that makes you fussy at time but nothing a little snuggle can’t handle.
Photo courtesy of Friends in Photography
I love when I’m holding you and you just turn around and stare at me with those big brown eyes. Sometime you put your hand on my cheek…it makes my heart melt every time.
Photo courtesy of Friends in Photography
You’re sitting up completely on your own now. If I lay you on your back you immediately roll to your side. It won’t be long until I have to get the baby gate up because you’ll be moving around like crazy. You do push ups when you’re on your belly and do a ‘beached whale’ like chicken pecking motion because you want to be where the action is.
Photo courtesy of Friends in Photography
I can tell that you’re just dreaming about being able to play with your big sisters. Don’t worry…it won’t be too much longer and the three of you will be all getting into trouble together. I’ve missed seeing you all the time this apple season but I know you’ve been in amazing hands. I know you’ve been given the care and attention that I wouldn’t have been able to in the store. And I know that all your little friends at daycare loved you and took care of you. I am so grateful that I found such a loving, caring place for you to be. Thank you. Thank you ‘Aunt Necie’ for providing that for my children through the years I’ve known you – I don’t know how I would have gotten through apple season without you. Next week I’ll have you home with me much more and things in general will calm down for awhile. I can’t wait to play with you, snuggle with you, change your diapers (I know – I’m crazy for missing this), and see all your silly faces as you eat. I love you my sweet Pip, my beautiful Persimoni Mae.
Happy half year Persimoni! You are a gorgeous baby and I can't wait to meet you. Your momma is pretty cool too!