Welcome to the first Off Season Challenge for Project QUILTING. To read more about Project Quilting Here: http://kimlapacek.com/2010/04/project-quilting.html and join the facebook group: www.facebook.com/projectquilting Off-Season Challenges are slightly different so be sure to read the ‘rules’ carefully below. This is also just for fun and a creative challenge – no prizes! Our guest blogger this month is Barb Raisbeck from QuiltsByBarb.
The Challenge: It’s all in your Initials
This challenge is all about color. First we will look at the initials of our names.
Most have a first, middle and last. Some have four. That is okay, too. Now, we will use these initials to choose the colors for our challenge piece. I have already done this challenge so I will show you mine as an example. I know you can all do better! B – (for Barbara) – Black
J – (for Jean ) – Java
R – ( for Raisbeck) – Red And here is my completed challenge piece. “Ladybug”
(Look at the close-up and you will see a Ladybug)
- You must use all three or four of your colors in your quilt or project.
- It doesn’t have to be a quilt.
- You may use as many fabrics as you want; just no more than 3 or 4 colors.
- You may not add any other colors to your piece except when embellishing. Embellishing isn’t required but it is always fun.
- Project may be any size.
- Project must have a name. I love names.
- In your story, list your initials and your color choices. Be creative!
- Please remember that these projects need to be created during the time frame of the challenge.
- If you need advice/tips/help (or you just want to give us all a sneak peak) with your project as you work on it feel free to post pictures to the flickr group: Project QUILTING WIP: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1430386@N24/
- POST your entries with a description of your creative process, including where you are (ie, I create in Madison, WI) and the size of your project by Sunday, May 8th, 2011, at noon, CDT, to this flickr group – Project QUILTING with KimsCraftyApple: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1401824@N21/ OR email a picture/description of your completed project to {lapaceksorchard at gmail dot com} with PROJECT QUILTING in the subject line (Yes, this time you have ONE MONTH!)
- Since we’re in ‘off season’ we aren’t having prizes/judges etc BUT if you do want people to truly critique (the good and the bad) your project post it to the Flickr Group: Project QUILTING – Critiques: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1628629@N24/
That is it. If you have any questions you may contact me at {Barb at Quiltsbybarb dot com} Barbara Raisbeck
Owner of Quilts by Barb Judge for Season 1 and 2 of Project Quilting
I am excited to start this new challenge! My first challenge will be to pick the colors. My initials are VMP. I can think of colors with M and P, but the challenge will be V colors! Any ideas?
Here's a great website to help you find colors with your initials:
violet? Is that a color?:->
Yes, violet is a great color! Thanks!
Great idea! I like it! I went to the Crayola Crayons site and found some cool color ideas! I also went to the Flicker site to become a member too — so that is done! Now the brainstorming will begin. I am going to lay out my fabric colors first and then dream a little!
Thanks again for inspiring all of us!
What a wonderful challenge. I am booked time wise at the moment but am definitely jotting this jump-starting idea down for soon, very soon. How fun!
Oh, and regarding V…vellum would give you a light choice or using another language, verde would give you green.
What a coincidence!! My small group has an almost identical challenge for this month! The only difference is that we are using paint chip names to come up with our colors…so if you're stuck for a color, head to the paint store! They have such fun names!