As most mom’s know – if you can find an activity that will occupy your children for even 30 minutes – it’s amazing. Well, the other day I pulled out the bin of perler beads and we had two hours of quiet – minimal chatting and no arguing – and I’m not exaggerating!
The girls were in a state of serious concentration while they created their pieces.
And after they were done – I had two very proud little girls!
What’s even neater is that they decided that one of their pieces was for the other sister, and one for their loving mama (aka me).
I also had fun with this little project – I put together a couple of ‘quilt square’ inspired blocks.
Awesome! I remember LOVING this when I was a little girl! I haven't tried this with Gavin yet, but I should! Thanks for the idea and I hope you are doing well with the last couple weeks of pregnancy