Once again, I have a wonderfully talented guest judge for this week – Ryan Walsh of ‘I’m Just a Guy Who Quilts’
. I discovered Ryan on twitter and have enjoyed his blog for quite awhile. Here’s a little bio that Ryan sent me so you can all learn a little more about him: “Ryan Walsh is a self taught quilter and quilt designer who enjoys taking classic quilt designs and updating them with a modern twist. He’s employed full time as a NYS Licensed Funeral Director and manages a funeral establishment in his hometown. A busy dad, the majority of his quilting adventures occur in the late hours of the night after his kids are in bed!
Ryan uses quilting as a vehicle to satisfy his never ending need to be creative. His work is based around combining traditional piecing methods with free-style construction techniques. As a way to challenge his ability, Ryan participates in several online bees and quilt related swaps every year. When he’s not quilting, Ryan also enjoys photography, embroidery, collage, crocheting, sightseeing and spending time with his family.
Co-owner of the quilt design company, Patchwork Squared (www.patchworksquared.com), Ryan currently resides in the Catskill Mountain region of Upstate New York with his wife and children. To see more of Ryan’s work you can visit his blog at: www.ryanwalshquilts.com.”
I just want to thank Ryan right now for taking the time to critique the projects and support this fun little venture. I can’t wait to see all the entries that he’ll have to judge! I also had to laugh when I saw that Diane had made the challenge Flying Geese as Ryan is a block designer for the Blogger’s Block A Palooza Quilt Along (his block will be posted on his blog this Thursday) that has been all about Flying Geese and Nine Patches! Too ironic!
Welcome to the world of judging for Project Quilting. It is a lot a fun.
Fellow judge,
Quilts by Barb