I’m going to start this post off with the winners of the random drawing – done of course, by my two beautiful daughters, Mercedi & Capri. I put all eligible participants (non-winners) names into ‘the hat’ for the drawing to commence.
Capri chose the first name and the winner of $20 for Machine Quilting Services from QuiltsbyBarb
And it goes to AllThingsBelle!
Next to draw a name is Cedi – she takes this very seriously and keeps her eyes shut for the majority of the process… She’s picking the winner for a pdf of 2 maze quilt patterns from Lisa Penny!
And that will go to MoranArtandQuilts! Congratulations to you both! Now it was time for me to head over to www.random.org to generate the Public Comment Winner. We had 35 comments this week and random.org decided that
the 3rd comment would win…or… stichnRN said… so hard to decide. i voted for homeward bound by moran arts and quilts, because of the unusual way she combined geese on the right side of her piece. like the effect of birds flying off. Please contact me (lapaceksorchard at gmail dot com) ASAP stitchnRN with your contact info so I can connect you with your prize: a Pattern & Notecards from Marcia’s Crafty Sewing & Quilting Congrats to all the winners and all the participants of the Flying Geese Challenge – I am so impressed with each and everyone of your projects – and just think – you did it in just a week! The sixth, and FINAL, Project QUILTING Challenge will be posted tomorrow at NOON right here on KimsCraftyApple!
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