One of my goals for my apple orchard is to open up for a public Easter egg hunt. We did a ‘trial run’ last year and it went over pretty well. I was already prepared to have a public one this year but since Baby #3 is coming sometime in April I thought it would be difficult to set a date, advertise, and then not even be sure if I would be there. So, I’m doing a second trial run – a bit larger than the first – for my friends and mom’s of the PB&J Play Group. We’re having the hunt at my place on Friday, April 22nd from 10-2 – just 3 days before I’m due… Nicole – the creator and organizer of the group has agreed to put the eggs out if I’m busy with something else that day (ie having a baby) and Diane would be here with the girls so she would be in charge of any ‘location’ issues that may come up. So…my main concern was to get the eggs stuffed. I had Jared bring in the boxes of eggs and goodies I had ordered on clearance after the last successful hunt and the girls and I got to work. Capri was in charge of finding all the smaller candies.
Cedi started out by emptying the packages of eggs into a single bag.
(I had LOTS and LOTS of eggs…the picture above doesn’t even start to show how many I bought…)
Cedi then found all the fun finger puppets and to try them out for herself first. The girls would hand me the toy or candy and I stuffed the eggs.
This was no small task and pretty much took up our Monday.
But it was a success! I would say I have about 400 to 500 stuffed and ready for the kids to find thanks to Cedi and Capri for all their hard work, help and most of all, patience!
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