Capri, mom and baby bump
How Far Along: 35 weeks, 1 day!
Size of baby: 5 1/4 lbs and 18 inches Heart rate at Last Doctor’s Visit (3/17): 150 Measuring at Last Doctor’s Visit (3/17): 35 weeks (about a week ahead) Total Weight Gain/Loss: +Maternity Clothes: going to have to up this to 32 pounds…went to the doctor last week. Definitely wearing Maternity Clothes…I have been for pretty much the whole time. Gender: It’s a GIRL; name will be chosen when we see her! More name suggestions from some friends that I liked: Delia, Acacia (a-kay-sha), Signe, Estella, Leena, Imogene, Nevaeh Please – keep suggesting names…we really don’t decide until we meet her… Movement: Still crazy but I don’t think I’m noticing it as much since I’ve been much more active now that I’m feeling better. Here’s my thoughts on baby moving. I LOVE when she moves because it reassures me that she’s doing okay in there. BUT it is a bit creepy to see my belly just moving around…reminds me of ‘Alien’. Sleep: pretty good still..knocking on wood… What I miss: champagne, beer, being able to walk without pain Cravings: canned pears, whipped cream, bacon Symptoms: heartburn, terrible hips, swollen ankles, emotional, an enlarged stomach, sleeping on my back Best Moment of the Week: Meeting my brother at the Cheesecake Factory for a great dinner and of course some cheesecake to take home (I only ordered two pieces…it was hard though). Then we went to his house to hang out for a bit and the girls were AMAZING – so nice to have well behaved children 🙂 Crazy Idea: I have decided to host an Easter Egg Hunt for the mom’s group I attend – PB&J on Friday, April 22nd – yup, that’s 3 days before I’m due… Any other mom’s and kids are more than welcome to attend as’s in my orchard!
A baby bump kiss! That's just too cute. Hang in there Kim.
You are just beautiful! Congrats on your pending bundle of sugar & spice!