I already posted the 32 week update picture but I figured I’d do a little more updating and let you all know how Capri did during her well-baby child visit. Yesterday was a very special day. I dropped just Cedi off for a day with Grandma and it became a ‘Capri & Mom’ Day. It started off with a visit to the doctor. Capri turned 3 last week but I figured it would be easiest to just piggy-back her well-child visit with one of my bi-monthly appointments. Yesterday was the day. Capri’s Visit: Diagnosis – very healthy child Height: 33 3/4” – 95th percentile (at 2 she was in the 90th – I think she may have had a recent growth spurt) Weight: 33.5 lbs – 75th percentile Shots: No more until she’s 4! All caught up. Mom’s Visit: The awful crazy cold I’ve been dealing with for the last 10 days – sinus infection. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick it’s butt soon so I can breathe again. Heartbeats: 135/min – Capri got to hear and was really excited about that! Measuring: 33 weeks (yup – a week ahead of my 32 weeks) I’m stealing these stats/questions from The Vander Velde Family Blog How Far Along: 32.5 weeks!
Size of baby: 3.75 lbs and 16.7 inches Total Weight Gain/Loss: +Maternity Clothes: about +29lbs. It seems like I’ve been having an ‘every other visit’ weight gain…they seem to coincide with my illnesses… I’ve also been consistently measuring a week ahead of my due date. Gender: It’s a GIRL; name will be chosen when we see him! (Supposedly…we’ll see – I wouldn’t be surprised if she surprises us and is actually a boy – she’s HUGE!)
Movement: This kid is going to be an acrobat! Sleep: With this crazy cold I’ve been taking one benadryl – sleep has been fabulous with a few groggy trips to the bathroom. What I miss: beer and breathing without coughing Cravings: fruit (especially at room temperature) I’ve been making myself smoothies for breakfast everyday now… Symptoms: heartburn, terrible hips, an enlarged stomach Best Moment of the Week: seeing Capri’s face when she heard the baby’s heartbeat
I almost forgot… Tank’s VisitWeight: 28 lbsShots: all updated for rabies
Sounds great all around Kim! Just think how great a beer will taste when it is all over. And sinus infections while pregnant are THE WORST. I had a couple with Henry. Keep up the good work!
Oh yea, I remember Abigail was 40 pounds 40 inches at her three year check up. Capri sounds like she is a much more reasonable size.