This really doesn’t have to do with my quilting/crafting life but I need as much advice as I can get. Here’s the story: So, I’m at 28 weeks today and of course – we still don’t have a name (and as a disclaimer, when we do get a name it won’t be shared until after baby joins us). We have to come up with a name that meets up to the two girls we already have… Mercedi Rose (nickname: Sadie) and Capri Lapacek I came up with Mercedi’s name because I really liked the name Sadie but it was getting too popular. A few days before I had her, I was on bed rest and watching the Tyra show. One of the models on her show was named Mercedes and I figured…hey, just take of the s and we can call her Cedi! Capri’s name came from the Colbie Calliat song “Capri” about 3 weeks before she was born. I was in a panic about the fact that we didn’t have the name yet and the song came on. I said to Jared, “Hey, what about Capri.” His response, “Not bad…” I just opened this up on YouTube to check it out and Capri was immediately over asking, “Is that my song mommy?” So…I would love to hear some thoughts. I need a great name that is beautiful and unique. It can’t be too common but not too crazy either…let me know if you have any ideas for us!
I am sure not to be of any help…I have a Karen, a Kristin and a Ryan…nothing unusual about those…
I have always liked the name Charlie for a girl and if our last was a girl we were going to name her Kellen. Well, I was going to name her Kellen…hubby didn't agree…lol
I put your girls' names in It suggests names based on your "inspiration names"
Of the ones it returned, I liked
The two names we have picked out for our some-day-to-be-girls are Amelia Grace and Olivia (no middle name on the second one yet).
I like Amelia because she can go by Eme, Emily, or Amy if she likes.
Feel free to pilfer of you like.
I'm kind of obsessive about thinking about good baby names, and I'm not even pregnant yet! My name is Ann. Plain boring Ann. So I've always wanted to give my kids great names.
I've always loved the name Chevelle for a little girl. I think it would go great with your other girls names. She could go by Elle or Ella. I think if I had a girl named Chevelle I'd call her "L". I've always loved nick names that are just a letter. I keep a list of my favorite names on my phone so I have lots of options when the day comes. I'll share my list with you
~Cambria (love this w/ your other girls names too, could be nick named Cam or Bri or Bria)
~Alaska Louise (love this one but the boyfriend vetoed it)
~Vayda (from a Spill Canvas song called "The Tide")
~Rai (mean's lightening in Japanese)
I also know a girl named M'Lynn (pronounced Ma-Lin) that I think is just an awesome name and I also know a girl named Kyle.
Boys: (I assume you're having a girl but I'll share anyway.)
Xyane (pronounced Zane, could be cool for a girl too)
Anyway, those are some suggestions. Good luck with your name search!!
Kim, I LOVE that song. What a lucky girl to have such a beautiful tribute. Good luck choosing a name. and congratulations to you!
we picked family names –
any good ones in your family tree?
my oldest is Klem – you could go with clementine
my DD is Eily (rhymes with riley)
and my baby is Leo
love kelsey with cedi & capri
others on my shortlist were:
Wilda (an aunt of mine)
elizabeth – so many fun nicknames
margaret but call her maisie/maizy
and BTW.. CONGRATS!!! did not know you were expecting!!
Recently read a book where a character was named Cecelia and called Lia.
When my sister was in high school, she liked the name Cetera (after Peter Cetera who sang with Chicago) (pronounced Suh-terra)…many years later her friend named her daughter Cetera, which ticked off my sister.