And it’s time for another great interview with one of the talented contenders in Season 1 of Project QUILTING – Kathleen’s Quilts. 1. Doodling, 2. Garden, 3. Hand Sewing Kit, 4. Log cabin flower in vase, 5. projectquilting, 6. Flipped!, 7. Today Is…, 8. Party Sampler, 9. Mary’s re:Fresh-ing Garden What made you decide to join Project QUILTING? I saw your post about one of the pre-season challenges and it looked like lots of fun. I’m always looking to learn more about quilting and new techniques, so this seemed like a great way to do it. What was your favorite part about Project QUILTING? It’s hard to pick just one favorite thing. I guess I’d have to say that finishing a project, regardless of the obstacles encountered, was a big plus. Like many quilters, I have a huge pile of UFOs…. set aside because I hit a problem seam, or cut something wrong, or just got tired of it. With Project QUILTING I felt drawn to finish what I started and meet the deadline. Which Challenge in Season 1 (you can include the 2 pre-season projects) was your favorite? and why…
My favorite challenge was the Log Cabin. It was the first one that I felt like I accomplished "thinking outside the box" even though I tried with the earlier ones – I’m a slow learner! Which Challenge in Season 1 (including the 2 per-season challenges) was your least favorite? and why…
Road Trip was my least favorite to do. I had a hard time thinking of what to do and I really didn’t like my finished project very much. Which Challenges did you come up with your idea immediately and which took some marinating?
I knew pretty quick what I was going to do with Stars Over America. It was the first challenge that I sketched and followed through on my first idea. The quilt evolved as I went but the basics remained as I envisioned them. Did you try any new techniques for your projects during these challenges and if so, what were they? I did! That was one of the things I liked. I used Texture Magic, embellished, used a serger for the first time, tea-dyed, ruffled some fabric. I know all these seem tame but as traditional as I was/am, they excited me. How has Project QUILTING made you a better Quilter? I’ve always been a "follow the rules" kind of quilter; always looking over my shoulder for the quilt police. Project QUILTING opened my eyes to a whole new world of quilting. With each challenge I felt like I was stretching just a bit more. Then I’d see all the entries and discover all over again all the different ways you can go. What didn’t you like about Project QUILTING? It had to end :( I’m looking forward to the next season. I also thought it would be more fun to see peeks at what was going on. The "Tim Gunn" flickr group was a good idea but it’d be fun if projects in progress were posted even if no help was wanted… just fun sneak peeks. It was so hard waiting to see all the projects. I found myself checking the Flickr site more and more as the deadline approached. Did you find the judges comments beneficial, annoying, or inconsequential? Why? I found the judges comments very helpful. As the season went on, I could imagine what they would say about my project before I even finished and that would help me to improve my end results. It was great having several judges as they each had a different viewpoint and different comments. Receiving the critiques (even the "bad" ones) was one of my favorite parts of the challenge. Do you think the judging format should be more structured, less structured, stay the same? and why? I thought it was fine. What was your favorite piece that you created for the Project QUILTING challenge?
"Today Is…" the perpetual calendar. It’s hanging in our sunroom and being used! What was your top three favorite pieces that someone else created for the Project QUILTING challenge?
The Road Trip Film Canister by Love Bug Studios
Just A Few Drips by Moran Art and Quilts
Karen’s Crafty World sign. Is there anything you’d like to add or comments you’d like to share with me and my readers? I’d like to thank you, Kim, for the idea to start this and for all the work you do to keep it going. I’m guessing we don’t have a clue as to how many hours you’ve had to put in behind the scenes to make it all flow smoothly. And a huge thanks to your MIL, for the awesome challenges. Thank you to each of the judges, for your time and helpful comments. Thanks to all the generous sponsors. And to my mom and dad without whom…. oh they’re saying my time is up… thank you, thank you…. ***SEASON 2 begins in THREE WEEKS! I’m still in need of SPONSORS and GUEST JUDGES! Thanks for everyone’s support!***
Can't wait to do it all again!