And now we hear from a fellow teammate and competitor on Season 1 of Project Quilting – QuiltingDiva… What made you decide to join Project QUILTING? I saw it in the Quiltsy groups and thought it was such a good idea. I really wanted to stretch my skills and come up with some original designs. What was your favorite part about Project QUILTING? Thinking of something to come up with that’s original and pretty. I also loved that I sold most of my projects! That was a bonus 🙂 Which Challenge in Season 1 (you can include the 2 pre-season projects) was your favorite? and why…
My favorite was the log cabin one. Mostly because it was the favorite quilt that I made and it brought me back to basics since log cabin was one of the first quilts I made.
Which Challenge in Season 1 (including the 2 per-season challenges) was your least favorite? and why… none, I liked them all Which Challenges did you come up with your idea immediately and which took some marinating? The apple blossom one I knew immediately I was going to make one of my favorite table runners in the pinks and greens of apple blossoms. Did you try any new techniques for your projects during these challenges and if so, what were they? Just coming up with original designs is new to me. I get most of my ideas from quilt magazines. How has Project QUILTING made you a better Quilter? Stretched my imagination. What didn’t you like about Project QUILTING? I don’t have a blog or many places to advertise my item so the "popular" vote seems to be the ones that have blogs or a facebook page. It doesn’t really bother me because I know it’s good advertising for Kim’s blog, but I could never win the popular vote, even if I had the most beautiful quilt :) I do feel the overall winners of the judges vote were always the most worthy though!! Did you find the judges comments beneficial, annoying, or inconsequential? Why? Beneficial, they mostly said what I know so it was good to hear it. We are our own worst critic so they definitely validated what I think I could work on. Do you think the judging format should be more structured, less structured, stay the same? and why? same What was your favorite piece that you created for the Project QUILTING challenge?
My log cabin quilt – dolphins in a circle with beachy fabrics. What was your top three favorite pieces that someone else created for the Project QUILTING challenge? that’s hard! the most memorable to me were the
black and white with the hands on the wall juggling [PennyFabricArt]
the apple tree log cabin [KimsCraftyApple]
the film one for road trip. [LoveBugStudios] What changes would you make to future Project QUILTING Seasons? none Thanks QuiltingDiva for taking the time to answer my questions, great job in Season 1 and I can’t wait to see what you come up with for Season 2 (coming in January 2011).
I love reading these interviews Kim, and now know the date for the next challenge – January, hooray!
Thanks for posting my interview! I can't wait until next season!!
Wow !!! Can't wait til January!! Going to sign up to do this! Love it!! Kim —- Thanks for bringing all of your quilting projects to retreat this past weekend! Plan to share it all on my blog too and face book — let's really get the excitement of quilting going wild!! Love it!!!