What made you decide to join Project QUILTING? I was only able to join for one week, but I wanted to do others. I like the idea of coming up with an original idea – not following somebody’s pattern. Pushes me to try new things. Which Challenge in Season 1 (you can include the 2 pre-season projects) was your favorite? and why… I wish I could have done the log cabin one because it’s an old pattern and it would be fun to put a totally new twist on it. Which Challenges did you come up with your idea immediately and which took some marinating? The black and white one was immediate! The nursery rhyme one, while I knew I didn’t have the time to do it, I did mull ideas in my brain, and didn’t have one I liked. Actually, I thought of all sorts of quilts for children’s BOOKS – lots and lots – but not for nursery rhymes. Did you try any new techniques for your projects during these challenges and if so, what were they? I was only able to do one challenge, and I did many new things: raw edge appliqué’, not a square shape, and doing a small piece. Oh, and quilting on my little machine, not on my long arm. How has Project QUILTING made you a better Quilter? Too early to tell yet, but my guess is yes. What didn’t you like about Project QUILTING? Summer is so busy for me with backpacking and camping and fishing trips, that I wasn’t home to do the challenges. During the school year – I’m a teacher – would work much better for me. Then I use quilting as a de-stresser. Did you find the judges comments beneficial, annoying, or inconsequential? Why? NO, not at all helpful. It’s nice to hear “your piece is lovely”, but I want to know why they didn’t like mine as much as somebody else’s. What do I need to improve on??? Was it color? Technique? Poor use of negative space? Unbalanced? I was an art major before getting a degree in science, and we’d critique each others’ work all the time. It was useful to help us grow as artists. I was really disappointed, actually. All I got was compliments – ok, so if you liked it, why did somebody else win? Do you think the judging format should be more structured, less structured, stay the same? and why? It’s OK, since I don’t know how to make it more objective. It’s art! What changes would you make to future Project QUILTING Seasons? Do you take suggestions for challenges? I bet there are lots of people with cool ideas! Is there anything you’d like to add or comments you’d like to share with me and my readers? 1. Why do people submit their pieces under their business name? That seems odd to me. I’d like to see first names and not feel like I’m competing with a professional. 2. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional might be two dif categories.
These are great and informative answers. As a judge I didn't want to be too hard on anyone especially for the first set of challenges.
For the next season I will try to add constructive ideas and suggestions whenever possible.
Thanks for the great comments!