What made you decide to join Project QUILTING? I always like a good challenge! Sometimes it’s easier to get an idea if someone gives you an easy start with a topic. What was your favorite part about Project QUILTING? My favorite part was waiting to hear what the judges had to say because I respect their opinions and knew they would be honest. Which Challenge in Season 1 (you can include the 2 pre-season projects) was your favorite? and why…
I liked the black and white with one color. I had wanted to do a quilt with a person in it and it was the perfect opportunity. I was also happy with it along the whole process and excited to see how it would turn out. Which Challenge in Season 1 (including the 2 per-season challenges) was your least favorite? and why…
I would say the Road Trip. It was really hard coming up with an idea and I had to rely on my husband for that one. He gave me the route 66 idea and then I took it from there. I was happy with how it came out. Which Challenges did you come up with your idea immediately and which took some marinating? I would say that the Nursery Rhyme quilt I came up with the quickest (not right away) and Road Trip took awhile to figure out. Did you try any new techniques for your projects during these challenges and if so, what were they? The main new technique I used was making some quilts an odd shape so I really had to work with the binding. That was a challenge for me. I also attached some photos and the dog collar to the one which was really different for me. How has Project QUILTING made you a better Quilter? It’s made me realize that I can try new things with my quilting and not be afraid of ruining the final piece. Even if I do, I can always start over. The Shoofly one was one I didn’t get done in time because of the fabric I chose. It was quite a challenge to work with an old sheet but in the end I got it finished even if it wasn’t on time. What didn’t you like about Project QUILTING? I loved waiting to hear what the next challenge would be so that I could get my brain going and start picturing end results. I liked the anticipation. Did you find the judges comments beneficial, annoying, or inconsequential? Why? I loved hearing what the judges had to say. Having gone to an art school where every singe piece of art was critiqued in front of the class, I was used to these kinds of suggestions. I did agree with some comments and thought they were good ideas and others I wanted to say: but I had planned to do it that way! It was all good though and I really appreciated their time and efforts. Seems like there was one judge always out to get me for some reason and always scored low when the others were really high so I had to wrap my brain around that and not take it personal. Do you think the judging format should be more structured, less structured, stay the same? and why? I liked it the way it was. It worked for me! What was your favorite piece that you created for the Project QUILTING challenge? My favorite piece had to be “Black and White” that I named “Soul Searching.” I’m just really happy with how she turned out.
What was your top three favorite pieces that someone else created for the ProjectQUILTING challenge? It’s really hard to pick just three but I would have to choose
“Galaxies Converge” by Kim,
the Rectangle Challenge by Penny and
“The Crooked House” by Ebony. What changes would you make to future Project QUILTING Seasons? Like you said, Kim, I think I would make the season a little shorter. The last two weeks I found myself wanting to work on more of my projects. Is there anything you’d like to add or comments you’d like to share with me and my readers? I’d just like to thank everyone involved in making it all happen; the judges, Kim, the people who generously supplied the prizes and my fellow competitors. It was a really fun experience and I hope we can get more people to participate next time.
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