I first joined etsy five days after I had my second child (February 2008) – not the smartest move. I had so much to learn and so little time to do so! Over the next six months or so I slowly started to gather different advice on how to make a real ‘go’ of it on etsy – one of the things I heard over and over again was – ‘Join a Team’. I decided in November of 2008 I made the decision that ‘Yes, I really do want to sell my crafts and art on etsy and yes, this is going to take some time.” One of the first things I did was look for some teams that I would be a good fit with. Those turned out to be Team Wist, Quiltsy Team and Team EtsyBaby. Each of these teams had a different advantage for me personally.
Seashore Beaded Necklace from ThreeFatesDesign Team Wist has been a great source to find out what’s going on local – different shows, having meet-ups and keeping up to date on various local rules and regulations. I’ve also made some great business connections as well as friends.
Painter’s Canvas Quilt in Lantern Bloom by Laura Gunn – 69 Inches Square from SFOQuilter The Quiltsy Team is such an amazingly supportive team. Everyone is so encouraging and supportive. They work magic on treasuries by clicking and commenting, love oohing and awwing everyone’s newest quilted creation, having fun swaps, cry with each other when something sad happens, and celebrate the happy moments (we all worked together and made two beautiful quilts for a members newest twins recently). My quiltsy group has become like an extended family to me.
Black and Yellow – Bumble Bee Earflap Hat from TotzHatz Team EtsyBaby is a very active team. There requirements have been some of the strictest I’ve been a part of but it’s been worth it. I have gotten much exposure from this team and it does a fantastic job promoting the individual members. One of my favorite parts of this team have been the monthly challenges – they have really made me step outside the norm and inspired me to create some fantastic items.
Rustic Beauty a Treasury curated by TheJoyofColor One of the teams I have joined more recently has been the Etsy Treasury Team. This team has increased my exposure in the etsy community ten fold. Their enthusiasm for creating great treasuries is infectious. Not only do we help create exposure for each other but a fantastic support system has been created. A fantastic format for critiques within our group has been created and I was lucky enough to be the critiqued member just a few weeks ago. The feedback I received was priceless and I will be able to apply it to both my shops. These critiques are not just helpful for the person who is being critiqued but those that attend as well. When you bring the group together you can find out what everyone is reading and the different things that have been learned regarding promotions, SEO, and more. If you are not on a team yet, I strongly encourage that you go and browse the list. Find one or two to join that fit what you sell, your passions or where you live. Start with that and see where it goes – add more slowly as you find the time – I am probably spreading myself a bit thin with all the teams I am on but I cherish each one in a different way so I make myself find the time. They have all been such a boost in my etsy experience (both business-wise and socially) that it makes the time each takes well worth it.
hi! Just stumbled on your blog. It's funny, because in a different tab I was searching ways to promote my Etsy shops! I have always heard of people joining 'teams' but I wasn't sure what it meant and I never looked into it (silly me).
But now I know! All thanks to you!
Great post! Happy blogging.