I am so grateful for my steady judges each week (couldn’t do this without you!) but it’s always exciting to have guest judges. I just think the more opinions and feedback/critiques we as quilters get the better we become. Each week it always amazes me to see which project is each judges favorite – it’s rarely the same. And with that – I’m excited to introduce to you our guest judge this week – Lauren of OriginalsbyLauren. Handmade Snowball Nine Patch Quilt Here’s what Lauren had to saw when I asked her about her quilting background: I took a quilting class at a local shop when my daughter was 2, she is now turning 31 next month. We cut our cardboard templates and traced with a pencil, but with scissors, and then pieced by hand. I made a full size sampler quilt, one block each week. When the class ended, she never told us what to do with the blocks, and then she went out of business, so I tried to figure out sashing and hand quilting. It took me 9 months to complete that quilt and it still hangs on my bedroom wall. Needless to say, that didn’t exactly endear quilting to me.
Handmade Quilted Extra Long Table Runner
I tried to find quilting shows on PBS, but all I found was Georgia Bonesteel, and I wasn’t advanced enough for her.
Then it happened, I found Eleanor Burns and she changed my life. She would say to take all of your blocks and cut them to the size of the smallest one, so I didn’t have to be perfect anymore. I lost track how many quilt in a day log cabin quilts I made, lots. Handmade Hearth and Home Quilt Today I belong to a quilt guild and have hung quilts in the biannual shows. I still love handquilting, but since I have been on etsy, I have had to learn to machine quilt.
Little Girl Dresses Lauren is also an expert seamstress and she has recently opened a second shop on etsy – OriginalsbyLaurenToo – featuring her adorable clothing. Thanks for being a judge Lauren!
Lauren's work is so pretty! I know her judging skills will be just as good.