I just had to post this quickly. There was a sock hanging over my closet door (no, I have no idea why it was there) but it was stopping the girls from being able to shut the door. Cedi decided to see if she could jump high enough to reach it – oddly enough, she couldn’t. So, I asked Capri if she could jump that high to get the sock and she looked at me and ran out of the room. Soon, I heard the pitter patter of her little feet running back – she had grabbed her step stool! How smart is that!? Of course, the step stool was still not high enough but I just thought it was great she thought of it! I know I’m the mom so I’m biased about my kids amazing-ness – but isn’t that what I’m supposed to do!?
that is very smart!
I am really very sorry that this is a form letter 🙁
However we spent days following everyone on the Simply Follow list, and out of 690 people, maybe only 10 followed us 🙁
I don’t know if you joined our blog or not, but if you have a moment, could you PLEASE go over to http://www.kiboomu.blogspot.com and give us a quick follow?
Again, sorry for this form letter, but I am going to to back to ALL 600+ people that we followed and leaving this note. Hopefully we will get a super great turnout now!