Two Saturday’s ago, we were at Grandma and Grandpa’s setting up the apple store. The girls did amazingly well and were patient with us for the entire morning…but Capri really needed a nap and she just wouldn’t go to sleep. After lunch I decided to take the girls for a walk to the MacKenzie Center. Then the Grandma, Grandpa, and Papa would be able to get things done with out four little feet in there way. The MacKenzie Center is pretty close to Grandma and Grandpa’s…ecspecially if you take the back way. The girls were super excited to go visit…they’d been there before.
We saw a variety of wildlife on display that had either been injured, orphaned or raised in captivity and could not be released into the wild. Some of the coolest things we saw were wolves. (above and below)
A bald eagle and her amazing nest!
The deer was obviously not afraid of us. I was not using zoom on my camera when I took this picture! The end goal was also reached!
The girls were both passed out by the time we got back to Grandma and Grandpa’s!
Sleeping kiddos is the sweetest!
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