I know what you mean, but etsy has put too many Halloween inspired front pages up for me to ignore it any longer. I do LOVE Halloween, but I also think August is a bit early for it :) I put Halloween charm earrings up at theApple. They are some fun little charms I found and made into earrings. Not my most creative earrings but they are fun and festive for my favorite holiday! Each pair is $7.50 and I only have one of each. If you see something you like I wouldn’t wait too long to get it! Trick Or Treat Charm Earrings Friendly Ghost Charm Earrings Spooky Eye Charm Earrings Spider Web Charm Earrings Creepy Spider Charm Earrings Candy Corn Charm Earrings RIP Tombstone Charm Earrings Jack O Lantern Charm Earrings Black Cat Charm Earrings Skull and Crossbones Charm Earrings I would love to hear if you have a favorite? Also, do you or your family have any fun Halloween traditions you do every year? Since we live in the country we have to ‘borrow’ a neighborhood in a nearby town to take the girls trick or treating!
alexkeller says
cute! cute! cute! and it IS early for Halloween. i mean, we haven't even passed Labor Day! it'll be Christmas before ya know it…..
E.E. Ward says
I'm from a moving company called E.E. Ward Moving & Storage. We have an onsite warehouse. This warehouse is huge (20,000ft)! We haven't had many halloween traditions in the past (other then fun halloween parties). However, this year we were thinking of making a ghost hunters parody involving our warehouse!
Anyway — Great blog, enjoyed reading it!!!